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The moment Soyeon stepped into the class, pairs of eyes landed on her. She ignored the stares and noticed a huge plushie on her table. She walked to her table and placed her bag down. She then grabbed the plushie and brought it out, placing it by the back door. Her classmates were literally gawking at her actions. She went back to her table, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Just nice, her homeroom teacher walked in and began the class.

"Aish what the..." Juyeon cursed.

Chanhee smacked the plushie. "Who the hell brought this thing here?"

The boyz murmured as they made their entrance by the back door. Their homeroom teacher was so done but continued with her lesson. The boyz took their seats and started doing their own things. Chanhee and Hyungseo were playing pubg on their phones while Juyeon and Changmin were taking naps.

"Sorry... Sorry..." Out of nowhere, Changmin began mumbling in his sleep.

Chanhee slapped his back and he screamed in his dolphin pitch.


Changmin glared at his friends who were busy containing their laughter and eventually left the classroom, doing the detention by the door.

Soyeon was initially not bothered but Changmin dolphin shriek had her glancing at their direction. Just then, Yunho was passing by and making fun of Changmin. Changmin had to contain his anger or he would get even harsher punishment.

"Wait... Why the frick are you leaning against my gift for her?!" Yunho scolded as he finally caught the plushie sitting beside Changmin. "You did this didn't you?" Yunho grabbed the collar of Changmin's uniform. Before Changmin could retaliate, a small figure came in between.

"I did it." Soyeon came unnoticed and shoved Yunho away. "And screw off." She said as she walked past the duo.

Yunho was stunned then averted his gaze back to Changmin who was smirking. "You-"

The bell rang, cutting Yunho's words. Changmin shrugged and coolly walked into his classroom for the next lesson.

"Yunho?" Chanhee asked as they heard him cursing.

"What the fudge does he want?" Hyungseo asked with his dissatisfied look.

Changmin shrugged. "He's just stupid." He sat down then kicked Chanhee off the chair.

"What the hell???!" Chanhee cussed.

Changmin scoffed. "That's what you get for putting me outside detention."

"Oops, SOrry~" Chanhee mocked.

"Who were you talking to in your sleep?" Hyungseo laughed.

"Shut up." Changmin hissed.

"What's going on?" Juyeon, who was napping during the whole incident, asked with his sleepy eyes.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep, you pig." Chanhee nagged.

Juyeon felt offended. "Hey, that's Haknyeon."

I'm gonna cross that line starting with me first
You break your rules

Next day, another gift was placed on Soyeon's table. Annoying prick. She dumped it straight into the dustbin with no second thought. And it goes on for days til Yunho finally realized Soyeon had actually dumped all his gifts. Thinking it was all Changmin's doing, he decided to confront instead.

Following his guts, Changmin came to school way earlier than anyone expected. His classmates felt intimidated as he was just observing his classmates one by one coming in. Not long after, Soyeon made her appearance that slightly woke Changmin up. (Inner beast)

Soyeon noticed the stare but chose to ignore it as she was just not in the mood to argue or whatsoever. You know, first day period. (I hate it) Changmin had his eyebrows furrowed as he knew something was up but he just could not decipher it, neither did he have any idea why he was so interested. Could it be because she was his friend's sibling or something else?

🐿️Why do you keep meddling in?🐿️

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