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Nice. Soyeon thought as she realized there were no gifts on her table. In other words she doesn't have to clutch on her stomach just to dump the gift. Well at most she could just dump it outside of the window. (Please don't)

She took her seat and facing the window, she rested her head on top of her right arm which was on the table. Closing her eyes shut, she groaned mentally when she heard unwanted noise. Yunho.

"Soyeon-ah!" He called out, stood by the front door.

The class was quiet as they too, afraid of Yunho who is part of Ateez, a group of bad boys in the school. Changmin watched in amazement as Soyeon was totally unbothered by the call.

"We need to talk, Soyeon." Yunho continued.

Silence engulfed in the air. Soyeon could care less about him and Yunho does not give up. He stepped into the class with his friends waiting at the door.

Changmin dragged his chair as he stood up that attracted everyone's attention. "You know Yunho..." (Yes uknow yunho i know yunho)

"You again?" Yunho rolled his eyes.

Changmin snorted. "Just give up."

With flaring eyes, Yunho charged towards Changmin and grabbed by the collar of his shirt. Everyone else gasped in shock and Ateez came forward.

"Aish... Yunho." Soyeon finally made a sound.

"Oh? Oh yes, Soyeon!" Yunho softened and slowly released his grip on Changmin's shirt.

Still on her seat, her eyes fixated on Yunho's puppy eyes. "Fuvk off."

Flustered, Yunho's jaw dropped. "What why? You have not even hear me out!"

Embarrassed with the reject kind of situation, Ateez dragged him out of the class. Yunho was still fighting over it. Such coincidence the boys met their eyes and Changmin pulled out his middle finger with his smug face. In which, angered Yunho even more but Jongho was way too strong that Yunho finally disappeared from the chaos.

Clutching on her stomach, Soyeon slumped down in her seat and went back to rest her eyes. Soyeon was once again disturbed that her eyes twitched when another group of boys made noises.

"What's going on today?~ What's the occasion, huh?" Chanhee teased when he spotted Changmin.

"Did someone chase you in your dream?" Juyeon laughed.

Changmin shot them glares and grabbed his bag.

"What? Class about to start, where are you going?" Hyungseo raised an eyebrow.

"Just somewhere, I'll be back during lunch time." Changmin patted Hyungseo's back and walked out by the back door.

"What's with him today?" Juyeon asked as if anyone could answer.

"Funny how he came early like turning into a new leaf yet he just went off when class was about to start." Hyungseo trolled with his infamous meme face.

It's hard to judge
I must still be dreaming again like last night

Break time and Soyeon let out an inaudible sighed. She was in deep thought if she should get her ass out for a meal but her menses cramp was being a nuisance. Of all, why today? She questioned herself as her cramp was often bearable reason why she don't carry menses pills around. Only once in a blue moon she had to encounter such pain.

She groaned silently and was about to stand up when Changmin showed up with hands full of things. She frowned as she noticed Changmin was walking to her direction and eventually he stopped right in front of her desk. He placed a handful of bags on her table.

By then, there were only a few students left in the class and they turned their directions to watch what's going on. Especially with Changmin's odd behavior since morning.

"I seriously have no idea what to get, but that should be enough." Changmin chinned to the stuff he bought for her with his uninterested look.

She tilted her head in confusion and went to have a look. Menstruation pill? Dark chocolate? "Was it his doing?" She looked back at the bad boy turning into a new leaf, feeling doubtful.

He scoffed. "Was he even awake when you left home?" He said which left her speechless. "Anyways, let me know if you need anything else. I'm off." He coolly ended his speech and threw his bag on his desk before he completely left the classroom.

Soyeon was left stunned by his actions. Murmurs could be heard about them but she could not be bothered by it.

What would you do if it wasn't for me?
Look at this, I'm always taking care of you

Changmin met his friends at the usual place and was bombarded the moment he arrived.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Sangyeon nagged.

"Phone..." Changmin gasped as he checked his pockets. "Shit."

"Yes shit, go and take dumbass." Sunwoo sternly said.

Changmin went to find his phone which he had left inside his bag. He instantly crouched down when he spotted Soyeon digging in the food he had bought for her. Without him knowing, a relief smile was plastered on his face. He then made a detour without taking his phone, leaving Soyeon to enjoy her meal.

🐿️Why do you have to make me worry?🐿️

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