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Changmin rolled his eyes. "He's working, dumbass. He's a game programmer."

"W-what?" Soyeon squinted her eyes at the back figure of her twin typing fast on his keyboard with his eyes fixed on a screen full of coding. "He has his own laptop, why would he work here?" She mumbled but Changmin caught it.

"He's also a part timer of this cafe, the boss here was a programmer too so he has been helping your brother alot." Changmin explained.

She scrunched her nose and turned her heels to leave the PC cafe. "Why would he work anyways..."

Once again, Changmin caught what she said as he followed her out. "He didn't want to feel indebted to his aunt. He's been paying back the rent and on top of that, your allowance."

"No shit, I received nothing." She shook her head.

The boy shrugged. "I'm sure he has it stored somewhere."

"Whatever." She walked away and he followed right behind, accompanying her back home which she did not ask for nor was she rejecting the company.

I do not wish to believe all these.

You shine dazzlingly, along with the dreams
You sparkle even more

It's Monday not everyone looked forward to. Soyeon was about to walk past her brother sleeping but she came on to a halt. She scooted closer and fixed the blanket without waking Sangyeon up. One more look and she left for school.

"Soyeon!" She recognized the voice and paused on her walk.

Hyungseo caught up beside her with everyone else staring at their unknown friendship.

"I knew you would be this early." He panted and fished out his ipad. "Look at this, what do you think?" He showed his final artwork and they began walking to their class as they discussed it.

Changmin who had been watching all from far, managed to catch up with his long legs and purposely bumped into Hyungseo's back.

"Aish yah!" Hyungseo cursed and Changmin walked past them without sparing a glance.

"Another rare occasion of him coming this early." Hyungseo shook his head at his friend then went back to talk about the design.

Changmin had no idea why he did that. He was just not satisfied with the view. And he cursed at himself for that.

The transparent smile that shines on my sincerity
I feel the flutters

Throughout the break, Changmin had his eyes on the girl once in awhile. Somehow The Boyz and Soyeon had their meals in class sitting far apart. Soyeon was already eating when The Boyz came barging in but they put on safe distance knowing how well Soyeon is.

Slowly, classmates returned back as the break was about to end. When you thought it was a peaceful Monday, but one just had to ruin it. And that's none other than Yunho.

"Oi, where's she?" He rudely called Changmin.

Changmin scoffed. "Get lost." Please don't come back so fast...

He wished. But Soyeon was already returning back from the washroom. She too scoffed at the sight of the giant puppy.

"Get lost." She coldly walked past him but he caught her wrist and turned her around.

She tried to yank away but he was too strong.

"Look feisty girl. The more you reject me, the more I want you." He sternly said and pulled her closer to him leaving a small gap in between. "In bed." He whispered to her ears and pulled off his smug face when he made eye contact with Soyeon.

She was utterly disgusted that she threw a slap hard on his left cheek using her free hand. "Disgusting."

With his hand still grasping on her wrist, he snorted as he placed his free hand on his face. "You're one lucky bitch to ever touch my precious face."

Before she could even counter attack, a strong punch landed on Yunho's face and he fell on his back. He was about to shoot a death glare when he took notice of who had just punched him.

Sangyeon. He does it. But nobody knows why except for a few. In fact, he understood right away the part Yunho whispered to Soyeon by reading Yunho's lips.

Yunho does not understand why but he returned the punch and so the fight had begun in the corridor.

Soyeon hated it so much that she left unnoticed while the fight got heated up. Knowing the bell was about to ring anytime soon, The Boyz stepped in and separated them. They cared more about their friend getting punishment that he does not deserve.

The crowd soon disappeared when the bell rang and Changmin was quick to notice Soyeon's disappearance. Where the hell did you go?

🐿️Heart is Throbbing🐿️

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