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Laying side by side, the twins were on Soyeon's bed, looking at the ceiling with silence engulfed in the air.

Sangyeon cleared his throat. "I'm sorry." He started off, breaking the silence. "You were not around when our parents argued relating to death which I could not take any longer and left you behind. I'm sorry, I really do."

Soyeon softened at his sincere words. She admitted that she was childish for not listening to his reasons for leaving her behind. Of course, she accepted his apology. He's the only one she has.

He then continued how his life had been with running to his aunt who favored him alot then as he grew older, he started working where his passion lies. Not only for his side allowance, but also to pay back his aunt. He had also stored Soyeon's meal card with the help of their school's principal.

Every student in their school are given a meal card to pay for their meals in school in which Sangyeon had prepared more than enough for Soyeon. All along Soyeon thought that the school was generous yet the amount of money stored was all thanks to her brother.

Soyeon also learnt that Sangyeon had always wanted her to live with him but he could not find the courage until he heard from his aunt that their parents were getting divorced. He mustered up his courage and was really grateful that Soyeon agreed to stay with him.

He then went on to explain how he and his friends were labelled as bad boys in school. They dislike studying, one of the many reasons how they grouped together since middle school. And their encounters with Ateez always lead to fights for no apparent reason, they just dislike one another. Any small issue will lead to bigger commotion. And that was how they were labelled as bad boys.

The twins finally resolved their problem during their midnight talk and they fell asleep with no heavy loads on their shoulders, after pouring out everything they had kept within themselves.

Let's take one step closer
starting with me first

Days, weeks went by and Soyeon was seen pretty close with the boyz. Not that she interacted much with them, but at least she acknowledged their presence and even joined them during break time. Indeed, she was adapting well in opening up rather than always alone. Slowly, starting to get used to people around her.

Other than Changmin, she also had no problem communicating with Hyungseo, Juyeon and Chanhee, the ones in her class. Just that, her heart began to flutter every single goddamn time when Changmin was too close to her or even the slightest thing like his smile showing his cute dimple that was rarely seen in school.

For chic Soyeon to go badump badump, it was her very first experience. Changmin has always been there for her whenever she encountered problems or anything else. In which she appreciates a lot but she wished her heart could stay calm.

Instead of just having a soft spot for her brother, she too has a soft spot for Changmin. When he got into some arguments or problems, she would try to figure in any way to help him out without being obvious.

Of course Changmin felt her sincerity and was so happy whenever Soyeon stepped in for him. He was already content enough that Soyeon opened up to him by initiating small conversations with him once in awhile. He definitely had already headed over heels for her.

Yunho on the other hand no longer disturbs Soyeon ever since he learnt that Sangyeon is her twin. In fact, he was rarely seen in school, and the same goes to the rest of his friends.

I'm sorry if you were shocked by my loud heartbeat
Look at me with those eyes from the dream

One day, Yunho leaned against the wall of the opened door. "Yah, Changmin." He called out.

"Oh you're alive?" Chanhee mocked.

Yunho rolled his eyes. "I'm not talking to you, penguin."

Chanhee clenched his fist with his gritted teeth. Juyeon and Hyungseo were laughing out loud earning some glares from the pink boy.

While then Changmin lazily walked to where Yunho was. "What now?"

"New student? The one in front of Soyeon." He asked, chinning towards Soyeon's direction.

Changmin furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, and?"

"Gojoon?" (random name)

"Yeah, what's with him?"

Yunho clicked his tongue. "He's a repeated sex offender but always get away with his parents money. I don't know why the hell is he here in this school, but you better be careful of him. Look for any hidden cameras, especially on his back chair. I don't want Soyeon to be his another victim."

Changmin's face was unreadable to learn the new student's real identity.

"Waw he really looked different with that nerdy glass." Yunho shook his head as he once again took a glance.

Changmin followed suit. "You sure do care her so much huh?"

Yunho scoffed. "Shut up, you're not any different either."

Changmin rolled his eyes. "You do you, get lost."

Yunho gaped in awe. " I'll make sure to kill you if anything happened to Soyeon. " He pointed his finger towards Changmin then made the kill gesture with his thumb on his neck.

Changmin raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you be her knight then?"

Just the thought of Sangyeon made him shivered. "I'm letting you be the knight." He lied.

"Whatever you say."


And Yunho left, Changmin returned back to his seats with his friends being nosy. His eyes fixed on the new student's back. "We need to meet the rest." He said in his serious tone that got his friends alert. They knew something was up.

🐿️ The Dark Knight Rises🐿️

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