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Throughout the whole lessons, never did Changmin leave his eyes off Gojoon. Especially right after he had searched up on the internet, Yunho was not lying afterall.

Gojoon did nothing suspicious as of what Changmin had observed so far. He sighed in relief as soon as the class was dismissed and Gojoon was seen rushing out of the class.

Soyeon came over and told the boyz she had some work to do. "Help me inform my brother later, adios." She bid them goodbyes and left the classroom.

Changmin's eyes once again wandered to the now empty seats and spotted Soyeon's wallet under her desk. He shook his head and stood up, walking closer to her desk.

"Why, what's up?" Chanhee asked.

"Clumsy Soyeon left her wallet once again." Changmin stated and crouched down to get her wallet.

He then looked across where Gojoon's chair was. He squinted his eyes and felt goosebumps when he spotted a small red light blinking. Yunho's warning echoed in his brain. Look for any hidden cameras, especially on his back chair.

He stood straight and ruffled his hair messily in frustration.

"Yah, you mad bro?" Juyeon came over.

Changmin sighed then patted Juyeon's back. "Let's go and meet the rest."

Why are you shaking like this
Go go, without hesitating any longer

The Boyz gathered at Sangyeon's place before the owner had to leave for his work.

"Okay let's have a press conference." Juyeon cued, gesturing everyone to settle down.

Changmin hissed. "Anyways, the new student in our class is beyond our imagination." He started off. "He's a repeated sex offender and I caught hidden camera at the back of his chair."

"Meaning... Taking upskirt of Soyeon's?" Chanhee shrieked, earning gasps from the rest.

Changmin nodded at the sad truth. "The thing is, this guy is a chaebol so even with evidence it's hard to make him pay for his consequences."

Sangyeon rubbed his temple. He thought everything was too peaceful indeed. "If that's the case, we need to get witnesses and stir the shit up so he wouldn't be able to escape. If we need to humiliate his family, just do it. And don't tell my sister. I don't know what she would do if she knew."

"She might ruin our plan with her clumsiness." Changmin added.

"You seem to know my sister so well, huh?" Sangyeon smirked.

Changmin was caught off guard. "She was being obvious, okay?" He said as he fished out Soyeon's wallet from his pocket.

"Yeah yeah~" The boyz teased.

Sangyeon claimed back the wallet with his playful smile.

"Anyways, how did you know about that dude?" Joonyoung asked.

"Yunho warned about him." Changmin answered.

"Oh waw he's alive?" Sunwoo asked.

"Exactly what I said." Chanhee added with his arms folded.

"Okay penguin." Hyungseo mimicked Yunho with Juyeon laughing along.

Chanhee slapped Hyungseo's back without hesitation.

"Should we install cameras in the class?" Hyunjoon asked, getting back to the topic.

"Let me ask our principal first." Sangyeon said.

"What makes you think she's on our side?" Hyunjae frowned since they were all labelled as bad boys.

Sangyeon scratched his head. "Actually she once did a favour for me in regards to Soyeon, so maybe I can try another luck for this?"

"Ouh then I guess it should be fine. Technically if this dude is on the news, our principal should be aware of his identity right?" Youngjae said.

Changmin shrugged. "There aren't many articles about him actually, but it's worth giving it a shot."

"Hold up, what are we gonna do with the hidden camera?" Haknyeon asked.

"Get her to use the blanket over." Sangyeon instructed and went off to get a spare blanket then passed it to Changmin. "I trust you."

You're glimmering
The moment I open my eyes
You're here

Next day flew by and Changmin was once again an early bird, waiting for the arrival of the clumsy chic girl. To his surprise, Gojoon was early as well and he could not help but to feel uneasy.

The moment Soyeon stepped into the classroom, Changmin abruptly stood up. With the blanket in his grasp, he walked over to Soyeon's desk.

"What?" She asked and was about to sit when Changmin held on to her wrist.

"Wait." He instructed and refold the blanket nicely.

Soyeon was judging him so hard but obeyed either way. Changmin then gestured to her to sit and placed the blanket over her lap covering her legs from exposing to the hidden camera.

"Are you crazy?" She questioned his sanity.

"Nope, if you don't use this, I'll haunt you down with Annabelle." He threatened which shut her up.

He smirked in victory then left her side to his desk.

🐿️ Changmin and his Annabelle, what's new 🐿️

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