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Pairs of eyes landed on the couple the moment they returned back to their classroom. Gojoon had been taken away by the police and Sangyeon was standing in front of the whole class with their school principal beside him.

"Oh just in time, take your seat." Sangyeon gestured to his sister to sit. "I'm here to sincerely apologize that I had actually installed cameras to catch Gojoon's actions. Though I had sought permission from our school's principal, I know I should still apologize to you guys. Soyeon is actually my twin, the reason why I'm behaving this way. I hope you understand." He bowed, earning respects from the students.

Never have they ever seen this side of Sangyeon. Their impression on him totally changed since then.

What would you do if it wasn't for me?
Look at this, I'm always taking care of you
You're always clumsy,
even if I leave it in front of your eyes

Bell rang indicating class for the day had ended.

"SoYEON-AH!" Yunho rushed in with beads of sweat on his forehead.

After hearing the news, he stopped playing his computer game in the PC cafe nearby their school and ran to school.

"Are you okay??" He came closer to the girl who was confused af. How did the news spread that fast?

"Get your hands off her." Changmin sternly said with his displeased look.

Yunho rolled his eyes, "you should be thanking me instead, idiot."

"I told you to be the knight didn't I?" Changmin stepped forward and removed Yunho's hand away from Soyeon's.

Soyeon was totally clueless with the argument. During the commotion, students slowly left the classroom, leaving Soyeon, Yunho, Changmin, Juyeon, Chanhee and Hyungseo.

Yunho clicked his tongue and took a step backward, facing Changmin. "Can't I at least check up on the girl I genuinely like?"

"No." Changmin replied with no hesitation.

Yunho frowned, "stop acting as if you're her boyfriend when you aren't."

Changmin crossed his arms and shot him a look, the I-am-her-boyfriend look.

"Wait, what? You and Soyeon are really dating now???" He shrieked.

"WHAT?" The boyz yelled.

Soyeon literally facepalmed, slightly embarrassed at the unwanted attention. What's with them?

"Who is dating my sister?" Sangyeon made his appearance with the rest of the boyz.

Everyone was caught off guard with his sudden appearance. Soyeon averted her gaze, totally disliked the atmosphere she was in.

"Your friend." With that Yunho scurried his way out of the class.

"Who?" Sangyeon asked once again after Yunho had left.

Juyeon, Chanhee and Hyungseo looked at Changmin and Sangyeon got their meaning.

A smile creeped on Sangyeon's face. "Since when?" He sat on Changmin's seat.

Changmin was frozen on his spot. He gulped and knelt down with his hands in surrender.

Sangyeon chuckled scarily. "Why? Did you do something wrong?"

"I self declared that today is our day 1." Changmin stammered on his words.

"Ahh~ Is that so?"

Tensions filled in the air and Soyeon managed to take a quick look at Changmin.

Caught on her eyes, Sangyeon smirked to himself. "Then if Soyeon agrees, you don't have to kneel anymore." He shrugged.

W-what? She got up when she felt all pairs of eyes on her. "Then continue to kneel." She mumbled and left the classroom.

"Washroom?" Hyungseo asked after a moment of silence.

"Guess so? Since her things are still here."

Changmin then fished out his phone from his pocket as he felt a vibration. His lips stretched widely, grinning from ear to ear.

"Did she text you?" Sangyeon, who caught the smile, teased.

Changmin hummed in response. "She told me to take her things."

And the boyz laughed adoringly how cute the chic Soyeon can be.

What I'm talking about at this moment
It's not just a simple object
You're even more careless towards precious things

With light footsteps, Changmin exited the classroom with his bag and Soyeon's. He met her at the washroom at the end of the hallway with her flushed cheeks.

He reached out for her cheeks. "Ahhh cutie. Are you that shy?~" He teased.

Who wouldn't? She slapped his hands away and was about to take her bag but he held her uninjured hand instead. "Y-yah!"

He giggled and intertwined their fingers. "Let's go and have our first date~" He chimed as he took the lead.

"We are still in school, silly." She wiggled her hand out but he was too strong.

"Stop it~" He scolded cutely.

And she stopped with her lips pressed firmly. "Annoying, there are still student!" She hissed, slightly uncomfortable with the stares given.

"If you behave well, they wouldn't be noticing us holding hands." He whispered.

"What sorcery is that?" She argued.

He shrugged. "I don't know either." He chuckled.

And they continued with their small bickerings as they left the school ground to their first date.

🐿️ Says the Qtie 🐿️

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