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"Do you mind if they come over?" Sangyeon asked with a slight nervousness.

Sports day had come to an end and the boyz were still lingering around in the field with Soyeon busy using her phone.

Without lifting her head, Soyeon shook in response and the boyz smiled in relief. They slowly got up and left the school ground as a big group which caught other students' attention. The chic girl is now part of the bad boys. They thought.

I'm not gonna take these kind of words
as a joke anymore

As soon as they reached the twin's place, Soyeon headed upstairs to wash up while the boyz were lazing around in the living room.

After washing up, Soyeon collapsed on her bed due to her lack of sleep for the past few nights. Despite the loudness coming from the boyz, her body could not take it any longer.

It was dinner time when Sangyeon went up to wake his twin up. "Soyeon-ah, let's eat."

Soyeon winced in pain as she felt pain from her head.

"Why? What's wrong?" Sangyeon scooted closer.

"Slight headache... Think it's cause of my wet hair..." She explained with her soft raspy voice.

Sangyeon blinked his eyes multiple times. "Let me help you dry your hair."

Soyeon stifled a laugh. "It's okay, eat first. I'll join later."

That was her first laugh that Sangyeon had ever heard since they started living together. He was so moved that he almost tear up. He assisted Soyeon to the bathroom and went down to eat with the boyz.

"Let's eat first, she will come down later." Sangyeon cued and the boyz began munching on their dinner feast, chicken and pizza.

Tell you something
Even if I try to pretend to be bold
I'm always surprised when I see you smile

Took Soyeon awhile to actually feel better and dried her hair. She finally joined the boyz who were still feasting in the living room with some focusing on the movie while the rest focused more on their food.

She walked to the kitchen to drink plain water first before heading back to the boyz. Changmin noticed her presence and got her an empty plate. "What do you want?" He asked.

Her eyes wandered on the food displayed on the small table. "That pizza and some chicken."

Changmin stood up and went to get the food she wanted, then returned back and passed the plate filled with food to the owner.

"Thanks." She muttered a soft thank you and sat on an empty space beside Changmin as everywhere else was already occupied.

Changmin shifted a little bit more to give her more comfort space. The arrangement on the sofa aka Sangyeon's bed: Younghoon, Hyunjoon, Sangyeon, Chanhee, Changmin, Soyeon. Behind them were Jacob and Sunwoo and the rest were on the floor.

As she was eating, her eyes fixed on the movie. "What's the movie called?" She asked as she had no idea what the movie was about.

"Shutter." Changmin replied and just then a ghost popped out earning screaming from the cowards.

Soyeon was startled that her jaw dropped, frozen on her spot.

Changmin took a side peek and chuckled to himself. He tapped her chin that snapped her into reality. She crossed her legs and moved backwards, hiding herself behind Changmin, like how Jacob and Sunwoo hid themselves.

She crouched down and continued munching on her food. "Are there anymore chicken?" She whispered.

"Mhmmm... Yeah, how many do you want?" Changmin asked back after checking out.

"2." Knowing that Changmin had to get up to get her chicken, she looked down as she passed her plate.

Changmin got her chicken and he smiled to himself as he found Soyeon's new image interesting.

As the boyz were too engrossed in the movie and food, no one actually took notice of Changmin and Soyeon's interactions.

Try pinching me
Although it's clear I can't believe it

After the movie had ended, the usual Soyeon who by right should be back in her room, stayed where she was minding her own business by using her phone. Awhile later, the boyz left and Soyeon finally got her ass out of the sofa.

Sangyeon was cleaning up the mess when he realized his twin had been following him back and forth. He did not say anything until he needed to use the washroom.

"What's wrong?" He asked the girl.

"I don't want to be alone..." She rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed.

"W-what?" He was stunned.

"I-I don't like ghosts..." She mumbled and he finally understood.

He had no idea she would still be that afraid. "Then uhh, look elsewhere."

She nodded and followed her brother in. She then grabbed the hem of Sangyeon's shirt and faced the other side since he needed to pee.

It was honestly very awkward for Sangyeon but the way Soyeon grabbed on his shirt got him soft. He peed quietly (like you know, shoot at a certain spot that doesn't make a sound) and went to wash his hand, brush teeth and wash his face with Soyeon right beside him. Looks like I'll need to accompany her later.

Indeed it was true, he led the way up to her room so she could wash up. After which, Soyeon tugged on his wrist, "Sleep beside me, please."

🐿️Soyeon and her new image🐿️

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