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Changmin led Soyeon to the clinic room and observed intently when she was getting the treatment.

"Why are you so clumsy?" Changmin nagged softly.

Soyeon hissed. "I can handle him myself." She said as she looked at her palm getting treated by the nurse.

Changmin snorted. "That's what you said the other time too."

"H-hey! I'm the one that told Yunho off, okay?" She frowned.

He crossed his arms. "Ah sure, what would you do if it wasn't for me? Yunho, your notebook, your brother, your cramp, your wallet-"

"Just stop, stop meddling." She cut him off just when he listed down all the clumsy things she did.

"Then stop making me worry." He answered on instance.

"W-what?" She shifted her gaze in disbelief.

"What?" He was flabbergasted.

The nurse chuckled when awkward silence filled the air. "Lovebird these days~" She teased and left the room once she had some final touches up the bandage on Soyeon's hand.

Behind the closed door, Changmin cleared his throat. "Anyways, yeah stop making me worry..." He said in much lower volume.

"Then, don't look at me." Soyeon replied as she took her hand away from the table and looked elsewhere.

"How can I when you're literally everywhere??" He argued.

"Excuse me??!" She met his eyes, baffled at his words.

To be classmates is one thing and the boyz come over to the twins' place every weekends also another thing. So technically they see each other every day.

"YOU are the one who is everywhere, even knocked my brain and goes to my dream." She rapped and after she realized what she had said, she gasped and covered her mouth.

"I- what?" He lifted an eyebrow, lips twitching upwards. "So you like me, huh?"

She avoided his gaze and stepped backward, shifting her chair further from Changmin. "Don't be cocky."

He laughed. "Clumsy girl." And he scooted closer til she met the wall. He crouched down to meet her eye level.

"You know, I always tell myself that I'm only worrying cause you're Sangyeon's sister. And that feeling shouldn't go beyond, yet I'm the one breaking the rule." He stifled a laugh once again and their faces were just a few inches apart.

He then trapped the girl with his arms on the chair's supports. "I like you too." He confessed and started leaning towards her.

She blinked her eyes, flustered at the current situation and held her breathe. He paused and took a step backward. "You will die at this rate." He whispered.

Caught on her loud heartbeat, rose cheeks were seen. She pushed his chest, shoving him away. "Glad you know that." She abruptly stood up and stomped her way out.

"Today's our day 1!" She heard him yelling. Omgg...

He came out of the room to see his feisty girl getting further in the hallway. He smiled to himself and followed the same path back to their classroom.

🐿️ Day 1 - K.Will 🐿️

Break Your Rules ⚘ Ji Changmin ✓Where stories live. Discover now