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Jennie POV

I smirked as I sat in the tree, waiting for the witch to show up. Lisa had a sense of another witch around and any vampire could sense it, so I decided to jump the gun and go see for myself while my family was scattered around the woods.

"Lost?" I asked the girl, she was definitely the witch since I could sense it. She looked like a teen which would suck since her life was bound to end soon. All I knew is if she ever brought up my wife's name, I'll rip her tongue out.

"Oh sorry!" She feigned her innocence as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "I'm new to the town and look for short cuts."

"Interesting, since we're a good ten miles into the woods. But anywho, I'm Jennie."

"I'm Chae-OW!" I interrupted her by flashing over to her and kicking her hard in the chest, sending her flying back into the trees.

"Sorry I didn't catch the name." I smirked as she coughed hard, trying to breathe since I'm positive I broke a rib or two. Hopefully three.

Suddenly I felt like something was squeezing my heart and I shouted in pain, falling to my knees as I held my heart. B-Baby I called out to Lisa who I could hear growling in anger.

Suddenly the pain was gone and I smiled up at the witch who looked in shock as she held her hands out to me again, but Lisa walked into the clearing with her own hands out, her eyes shining purple.

"I wouldn't try that again unless you want me to make you bleed from the inside out." Lisa hissed at her and she immediately dropped her hands. "Are you a Lunar."

"No. But I'm an Eclipse witch. You're friend there kicked me before I could introduce myself!"

"Wife actually." I glared at the witch, "Want to tell us why we can smell the wolves on you."

"I'd have to be an idiot to tell you everything when I'm supposed to be here to take over your body and force Lisa's dark side to take over so the wolves can take revenge."

Lisa and I looked at each other, before we bursted out laughing at how dumb this girl was. She honestly put Rosé to shame and that was saying a lot. She looked like a deer in the headlights and I reached behind for the handcuffs.

Jisoo and Rosé appeared next to us and Jisoo rose an eyebrow, "How are handcuffs supposed to stop a witch from using magic?"

"These," I locked them on Chae-something, "are special handcuffs that don't let a witch use magic. Lisa made them."

"Why would you make handcuffs like that?" Rosé asked but Jisoo face palmed as Lisa smirked.

"So that way Jennie could top me and I can't use magic against her."

Rosé gagged and hid her face in Jisoo's arm and the witch looked at me in shock. "You're using your SEX handcuffs on me?! You freaky bitch!"

Suddenly a loud smack was heard and we saw Lisa's handprint on the witches cheek. "No one calls my wife a bitch but me okay?"

"Hey! I can be more than a bitch, Lalisa." I glared at my wife who gulped, causing me to smirk at her. "Don't forget baby, until death do us part."

I pushed the witch to the floor and grabbed a leg so we can drag her back with us to the house. She whined every time her back would go over a rock and Rosé appeared by my side.

"Can't we just carry the poor thing? Her backs messed up."

I looked down at the witch and shrugged. "That must suck." We got to the house and I let go of her leg as we got inside the living room. We put her on the couch and she glared at me in pain and anger. "Does your back hurt?"

"You little-"

"Watch it." Lisa warned her, holding her hand up again in a threatening manner. As much as I love my wife, her big ass hands do make for hard slaps. Though, it's not always painful if you catch my drift.

"So you body jump huh." Rosé sat next to her, "So guessing by your plan biting you in the ass within the first hour, I'm guessing that the wolves will be retaliating soon if they notice you aren't back huh?"

"Tell us." Lisa grinned as she bent down to mind control her. The witch looked dazed and she nodded.

"I have one week before they come looking for me. Also Joy said Jennie was a bitch and Rosé eats more than she talks."

I glared while Rosé shrugged. "She's not wrong and just for that, I'm going to grab a snack now."

"I'm just going to call you witch since I don't care to know you're name. What happens when Lisa's dark side takes over."

"She's been fighting it since the prophecy ended. A whole covens energy in her must be exhausting to fight for a day, more so almost two centuries. When her dark side takes over, she won't be the same Lisa. She won't care for anyone, not even Jennie."

"That will never happen." Lisa wrapped her arm around my waist and I cuddled to her. "I can fight it, but I won't let you try to bring out of me so I can destroy the girls for the wolves."

"That's the thing," She smirked at us, "There's another witch who might just be using me as the distraction. Trust me, sooner or later Lisa's dark side will take over and all you will see just how scary she can be. She might even destroy all of South Korea with the hunger to kill."

I didn't let them see it, but I could feel Lisa's fear and I felt like snapping the girls neck. Then again, what if Lisa was tired of having to hide this everyday? What if she's always felt her dark magic threatening to take over but fought it?

"Come with us Lisa. We're witches just like you and we can take care of you. Let me take care of you," she had these affectionate eyes towards MY Lisa and now I was angry, but bitchy possessive Kim Jennie was about to shine bright like a fucking diamond.

"She doesn't need you to take care of her." I glared at her as I laced my fingers with Lisa's to pull her closer to me. "She's mine and she's staying by my side. Jisoo, take her downstairs will you? Not gently."

Jisoo grabbed her leg and I grinned as I heard her back hit every stair on the way down and I looked over at Lisa. "You even think of going with her and you'll deal with my dark side."

"Jennie," she kissed my head, "when will you see I would never dream of leaving you? You're my mate, literally bound to you forever. That girl doesn't compare at all."

"Mine," I grinned as I hugged her waist, loving the feeling of the sparks flowing through me from my Lili's touch. There was no way she could ever harm me, dark Lisa or not, she loved me and that was enough to soothe my nerves.

I'd fight anyone to keep her safe, even if that meant herself.

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