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Ella POV

I stared in annoyance at the other kids as they threw tantrums over nap time. Never again will I let my mommy convince me to stay for a few extra hours. I laid on the mat, staring at the ceiling, practically biting my tongue to stop me from shouting.

A little girl laid next to me. "Do you want to-"

"No." I hissed at her and she squeaked, quickly turning away from me. I sighed, closing my eyes to pass some time. I heard the teacher step out of the room, only to see that Jim had gotten up with a pair of scissors.

He crawled over to the girl next to me and I glared when he picked up a pigtail of hers. I immediately sat up and slapped the scissors out of his hand.

"Don't even think about it," I narrowed my eyes at him, daring him to touch a hair on her. He rolled his eyes at me, calling me a dumb girl before leaving back to his spot.

"Idiot," I said in Thai as I laid back down.

"T-Thank you, Ella." The girl said beside me timidly. I smiled over at her and returned my gaze to the ceiling. "I'm not really liked here. My parents are American but I guess it's different to born Koreans here."

"My mommy's Thai and my other mommy is Korean." I smiled when I talked about my pretty mommies. "They're lesbian so they get hate too."

"If your mommies are lesbian does that make you one?" She rose an eyebrow at me and we both turned to each other, suddenly now in a friendly conversation.

I giggled at her blushing, "No. I'm too young to know but if I was, I'm glad I won't be scared to tell my mommies. What's your name?"

"Nikki." She held out her hand and I froze when I smelt the blood in her veins. Fight it I scolded myself and shook her hand. "Can we be best friends?"

I'm too dangerous for you I frowned but the smile was too big on her face. "Yes, we're best friends now."

Nikki and I spent the next two hours sitting next to each other during art and playing outside in the playground while we waited for our parents. I giggled as she pushed me on the swing, wishing I could do the same but I was scared I'd make her fly off.

"Ella?" I saw my mommy walk into the playground with my auntie Rosie.

"Mommy! Auntie!" I waved and Nikki slowed me down so I can get off. I grabbed Nikkis hand as we ran to my mommy. "This is my best friend, Nikki."

"Hi Nikki! I'm Ella's mommy, Lisa. This is her auntie, Rosé." Mommy gave her a hug and Nikki said hello.

"Those are my parents!" Nikki pointed to a couple that were walking towards us. She introduced me to them and they were really nice to me! Even offered me a play date on the weekends!

We waved bye as we left our separate ways to cars. Auntie strapped me in and I told them all about my day!

Lisa POV

"There was a skank all over my baby and you did NOTHING?!" Jennie hissed at me as I walked into the room. I rolled my eyes, the little girl was too innocent to even know about bad things!

"Be nice, babe. This is Ella's first friend and if you scare her away, Ella will never forget it." I warned her, Ella was a vampire so she truly wouldn't forget it. I saw Jennie calm down and went to sit on her lap.

"She's only two! They shouldn't even know the meaning of friends by now." I gave her a pointed look, "Ugh fine I guess the blood bag can be around my angel."

"Mommy!" Ella suddenly flew into the room, rushing to hide behind the chair. She was practically shivering in fear and said, "Auntie Rosie is trying to dress me up!"

"Rosé she's two!" Jennie hissed and Rosé smirked at her.

"Fine then. Jennie you're my test subject." She grabbed onto Jennie's wrist, practically dragging her out of the room.

"YOU'RE LUCKY I LOVE YOU ELLA!" Jennie screamed as she was pulled out by Rosé and Jisoo. Jisoo came to help when she noticed Rosé wasn't strong enough to beat Jennie.

I could've helped, but I'd rather cuddle my daughter. I swooped up my child before laying us on the bed. "Time for your nap," I kissed her head as she snuggled closer to me.

I closed my eyes and listened to Ella's heartbeat, completely amazed that Jennie and I created her. She was perfect, she was all ours to treasure.

I heard Jennie start to curse me in the link so I decided to sleep too so I didn't have to hear her fifty ways of trying to kill Rosé.

Ella POV

"Ella sweetheart, it's grandpa. I need you to do something for me. Bring me back. I could make you strong. BRING ME BACK NOW OR I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER EVERYTHING SHE DID!"

I screamed when I felt like two hands grabbed my arms hard. I hated nightmares! "MOMMIES! MOMMIES! HELP!" I started thrashing around on the bed, still feeling like he had a hold of me.

"ELLA!" I felt myself being picked up and cried into my mommies chest. Mommy held me to her, using her magic to show me happy memories. I gripped onto her shirt, not wanting to let go of her.

"H-He wants me. He came back! Mommy why is grandpa so scary?" I whispered into her neck, hearing her growl softly as she held me tighter.

"He's gone, Princess. He can't hurt you. Come on, it's almost time to wake up. Let's go get breakfast somewhere okay?"

"Can mommy come too?"

"Yes baby." She carried me to my closet to change me into different clothes. She let me brush my teeth on my own but I could hear hisses from downstairs while mommy explained what happened.

I went downstairs to my family, smiling at my mommies since we were all ready. When I reached the last stair, I suddenly felt myself drifting off and feeling as though I couldn't breathe.

Sooki stop it you're scaring me! JENNIE!

I coughed up water and held my throat as everyone around me panicked but I couldn't hear them! I could only hear my mommy as she drowned!

And then the world went black for me.

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