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Jisoo POV

I felt the tears well up, but before they could fall down I heard her small heartbeat coming up behind me. I quickly wiped my eyes and felt two small arms wrap around my leg.

"Auntie Jisoo?" I looked down at Ella, who had a pout on her cute baby face. "My mommies loved me right?"

I quickly kneeled down to pull her to my chest. "Of course they did, Ella. Your mommies loved you much more than anything and that's why they aren't here, baby. You were their world."

"I wish I could have met my mommies. Can you tell me once again what they were like?" She asked with a small smile as we both looked at the tomb. I sat down and she sat on my lap, laying her head on my shoulder.

"You remember their names right?"

She nodded, holding up the small locker of their faces. "Lalisa and Jennie. They're really pretty mommies."

I smiled at her as she held open the locket to show me the pictures of my sisters that I missed so much.

"Jennie and Lisa were mates and were so in love. You're Jennie's spitting image but those eyes are all Lisa. Lisa was more bubbly and energetic, but Jennie was this fierce and passionate girl who loved her family more than anything."

"Auntie Rosie says I'm a witch too because of my mommy. Is.. that why she died?"

I sighed, running my fingers gently through her soft brown hair. "Your mommy was supposed to be the last Lunar witch, but when she had you.. there couldn't be two witches with all the power so your mommy chose to save you rather than herself."

I saw tears well up in her eyes. "I'm sorry they died because of me."

"They didn't, honey." I looked up to see Rosie coming over to us with flowers in her hands. "Your mommies wouldn't want their baby to think she was the reason of their death okay? Your mommies did what they did to save you, when you're older you'll understand okay?"

Ella smiled sadly at her and then saw the flowers. "Can I give those to my mommies?"

"Of course honey," she handed them over to Ella, giving her a gentle push towards the tomb. "Your auntie and I will give you some privacy okay?"

She nodded and Rosé sat next to me as we watched Ella skip towards the tomb, putting the flowers on the floor. "Hi mommies. Auntie Rosie and Auntie Jisoo take great care of me, so I'm okay. I love you mommies. I hope I make you happy up in heaven with grandma and grandpa."

I felt Rosie sniffle into my shoulder and I hugged her to me. "I just hope Lisa and Jennie are happy with us. I know how badly they wanted to see her grow up... I miss my sisters."

It's been five years since their deaths. Once we found Jennie, she had been killed, her last moment was giving birth to Ella but then Sehun had the wolf bite her. He told us how Lisa would either have to kill her own daughter or die since there couldn't be two powerful Lunar witches with a covens worth of energy.

Lisa had already lost her mate and she would never think of having to kill her own child for power, so unlike her biological dad, Lisa was the amazing parent and promised her love to Ella, before she stabbed herself with the Lunar knife.

Rosie killed off Sehun and I let Chaeng go crazy on Seulgi, before taking my infant niece and swearing to my sisters that I would protect Ella forever. She was my only piece of them besides my memories.

She was gorgeous. Either her being a vampire child with the beauty or just the genes of her mothers, she was one of the most beautiful babies I'd ever seen.

I wasn't lying when I said she was Jennie's image, sometimes it makes me cry when I see my Jendukie, but that smile and the way her big brown eyes brighten were all Lisa. She had a gift for instruments and loved dancing, something Lisa would have been proud to see.

Her possessiveness and temper were all Jennie, but Ella was hardly moody. She was too bright and bubbly for that. She gave Rosie and I the chance to have motherhood, but we never once let her forget the memories of her birth mothers.

We watched her kiss their names, before skipping over to us. "I'm hungry, aunties." She pouted adorably and we smiled at her. We got up and Rosie picked her up, telling her that they would eat but I just needed one more moment with the girls.

I walked into the tomb, laying my hand on their names, hoping they could hear this. "Ella's fine, she always asks about you girls but I promise I won't let her ever forget. I love you both, I just hope you're proud." I smiled at the names before leaving to go with my family.

I smiled at the sight of Rosé swinging Ella around as she giggled like crazy. Oh yeah, Ella would be perfectly safe and loved with us. Not one thing would harm her, I always made sure of it.

"Auntie I'm hungry," Ella whined, a hand on her hip and I couldn't laugh as she looked so much like Jennie in that moment. That was until the little glare she gave me made me rush over to the car.

"Okay miss hangry pants, lets go eat." We strapped her in before driving off to wherever Ella wanted to eat. Rosé smiled at me and together we helped raise Ella. She made us a family.

The End.

SIKE😂 SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACES! I would never end my book like this hahahaha

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