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Rosé POV

I sighed as I opened my eyes, unable to sleep with two wolves in the living room and one in the basement. Everything in me told me to go destroy them but I fought it for Lisa, she missed BamBam and I couldn't harm him.

But if he took one harming step towards my Jichu, it was over. I'd rip his heart out and rip in half in front of him.

I sat up and removed Jisoo's arm from around my waist and threw on some pjs before going out to grab a snack. I went to the kitchen and scanned the fridge, wondering if I wanted food or blood.

Eh, why not both.

I grabbed a bag of chips, not caring that it was two in the morning before going down to the living room. I was shocked to see only BamBam on the pull out bed, his mate not with him.

I went down to the basement to get the bag of blood when I could smell Joy and Sana down there. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously as I opened the door slightly to use my hearing.

"I'm sorry about Jungkook but you brought this on yourselves. Had you just listen to us, we wouldn't have lost a wolf."

"Yeah well we both know your mate wouldn't have let anyone harm his precious vampire. You sure you can do it?"

"I'll be fine, cousin."

I widened my eyes and flashed over to her, pushing her into the cage as well. Thankfully Lisa's spell was for any wolf to be human down here so I didn't fear their bites.

"What the fuck! Bam!" Joy screamed and I hissed at her.

"I heard the conversation, so don't think for a second I won't rip you to shreds. I'm going to tell my wife on you!" I stuck my tongue out at them as Joy scoffed at me.

"Oh please that slut doesn't scare me."

I grinned, "When I tell Jennie you were looking at Lisa's butt will that scare you?"

"That never happened!" Joy screamed in fear as she clutched onto Sana. "I never even looked at Lisa like that!"

I shrugged, "My sister won't care. Watch this." I went to go but then turned to them to scare them once more. "And just so you know, a cranky sleepy Jennie is worse than a jealous Jennie."

Joy whimpered as she hid behind Sana who was trying to push her away as I flashed up to Lisa and Jennie's room. I tried not to notice they were naked as I went to slap Jennie's cheek.

"You bitch!" Jennie groaned in pain as she held her face. She looked over at Lisa before glaring at me, "Turn around and state the reason you bitch slapped me before I get my wife to turn you into a chipmunk for a day!"

I gulped before whispering in her ear about the conversation and even how Joy looked at Lisa, to that Jennie instantly grabbed a pair of clothes to throw on.

"I'm going to end the bitch."

"Wait," I stopped her, "We question her yes, but if you kill her that could start a war between BamBam and Lisa. You don't want to hurt her like that."

"I'm her wife. I have marriage vows to protect her and I promised her dad I would, I'm not going back on that promise. We tell BamBam what happened but I won't risk my family being harmed by them."

I nodded and she covered Lisa up, giving her head a kiss before following me down to the basement. "Rise and shine puppies." Jennie smirked at Joys shriek of fear as she tried using Sana as a shield.

"I didn't look at Lisa! There's practically nothing to look at!"

I widened my eyes and Sana glared at Joy. "So instead of just saying the truth, you insult the wife too?! God you're an idiot."

Jennie glared daggers at Sana. "My wife has everything I need and more actually. What you need is for BamBam to beg Lisa to spare your life since I'm seconds away of just saying fuck you wolves and killing you all off."

"But the spell-"

"You need Lisa's help yet you're both planning against her! She doesn't owe you shit!" I glared at the two. I looked down at the ground and picked up the bat. "Which one are we whacking first?"

"BAM! BAM!" Joy screamed at the top of her lungs as Jennie grabbed the bat from me and stalked towards her. She dragged the bat along the cage, scaring Joy even more.

"You scare easily huh? I love that."

"Lisa!" We heard Jisoo shout loudly and Jennie immediately dropped the bat as we flashed upstairs. We widened our eyes when we saw Lisa standing in front of Jisoo as she glared purple eyed to the wolf form of BamBam.

I flashed to my wife's side and Jennie did too, glaring at the wolf as I held my wife to my side. "What the fuck!"

"I heard someone hurting my mate! What the fuck Lisa!" Bam widened his eyes as Lisa put a shield around him to trap him. "I'm your best friend!"

"I know damn well you were planning on going down there to hurt my sister and mate! Like hell am I letting you near them in wolf form."

"What did you do to her," Bam snarled at me and Lisa held me back more. I rolled my eyes at the way his spit was flying all over my living room. If he messed up my couch, I'd rip his tail off.

Lisa POV

I glared at the way my friend talked to my wife. Jennie took a step forward, me still holding onto her hand just in case I needed to protect her but I trusted my shield.

"You failed to tell us your mate is related to Sana and that they were planning against Lisa. You're lucky I love my wife enough not to start a war between you two by killing Joy."

"You even think of getting near her and I'll end you." He snarled and I glared at him, looking at his hand to break a finger. He screamed in pain and I gave him a warning look.

"Umm about that," Rosé rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "We put her in the cage."

"LISA!" Rosé screamed in fear as she hid behind me, clutching onto my shirt as Bam started to go wild, trying to break out of the shield.

"Oh no please keep going and looking like an idiot," Jennie laughed as she recorded it on her phone. "It's like a dog trying to scratch a part he can't reach!"

Jisoo laughed as she went over to Jennie, telling her to send her that video. I rolled my eyes at the girls but felt bad, Bam was my friend but Jennie was my world.

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