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Lisa POV

Jennie and I raced inside the house to see a whimpering Chaeng cowering in a corner, blood covering her arms and pieces of glass in her stomach. Jisoo was trying to restrain a snarling red eyed Rosé, who was trying her hardest to run at Chaeng.

"Jennie help Jisoo!" I ran to Chaeng, picking her up gently before running her up to our room. I could hear the back door open and knew they must've taken her out to hunt.

"I-I had a bloody nose and s-she tried biting me but Jisoo threw me across the room," she cried as I laid her on my bed. I took out the pieces of glass and used magic to heal her.

"Shower off the blood and sleep here okay? I'm going to pick up the living room before they come back." She nodded and I left back to clean the house from the blood and glass.

"Lisa!" I turned in time before Rosé threw her arms around me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to lose control! Please tell me she's okay!"

"She's sleeping but she's okay. I healed her, are you okay Rosé?"

"I feel horrible. I'm so sorry girls," she whimpered and Jisoo immediately pulled her into her side.

"I'm going to take her to sleep. She needs to nap this off before Ella comes home." We nodded and Jennie frowned.

"I'm so happy Ella is a vampire, if anyone lost control over her...I would've killed."

"Of course you would have," I hugged her, "She's our baby."

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I saw it was the preschool. "Speaking of baby."

"Hello? Mrs Kim? We need you to come pick up Ella, she was in a fight."

I hung up and Jennie started laughing. "It's a preschool! How bad could the fight be?!"


"Oh my god." Jennie and I muttered as we saw the black eye and busted lip of the little boy sitting next to Ella in the principals office. The parents glaring at our child who didn't look at all fazed.

"Kim Ella explain to us why you punched Jim in the face."

"Because he pushed me off the swing! When I got on the other, he pushed me again! Then he called my mommies 'stupid ugly gay girls' and I punched him."

"You teach your child to be homophobic?" I said with anger to the parents who looked shocked at their sons guilty expression.

"O-Of course not! And we certainly don't teach him to bully little girls! But that busted lip and black eye was not from one punch! She's too tiny!"

She's also a vampire I hid my grin and Ella looked over at her, "I punched him four times for each mean word over my mommies. No regrets at all."

The parents looked shocked and the principal had both the kids leave. "While we do apologize for the bullying, Ella needs to know this fighting behavior isn't allowed. Now, I'm not going to punish either child, but if this punching or bullying continues, they will be removed from the school."

The principal left to talk to the kids but before the parents could leave, Jennie took a step to block the door. "Now allow me to say this, my child ever tells me yours bullies her again, I'll make sure to tell her to leave the mother.. to me. Got it?"

The mother nodded quickly with fear and the husband looked at my wife in disgust so just to spark his homophobia, I kissed my wife softly. "Honey be nice, don't scare her so bad on the first day."

"We need to get our boy," the husband snarled as he grabbed his wife's wrist, yanking her out of the room and Ella walked in with her backpack.

"Very very disappointed young lady!" Jennie faked anger in front of the principal and Ella smiled, but pretended to pout when he looked down at her. "Thank you again." We grabbed Ella's hand and led her out to the car.

"So ice cream?" Ella smiled as we got into the car.

"No. Everland," Jennie winked at her and Ella clapped in excitement.

Jisoo POV

"I'm so weak," Rosie sniffled into my shoulder as we cuddled in bed. "I'm so sorry, Chu. I'm so so sorry."

"Baby it happens. I'm not mad at you," I kissed her head and cuddled her closer. "Sure, Chaeng is probably scared but she's going to forgive you, she loves you."

"I-I think I need Ella's hug now." Rosé pouted at me, but we both knew we would have to wait for her to come back from Everland for that to happen.

Whenever Rosé was sad, Ella always tried her hardest to cheer her up. Even if that meant letting her dress her up and do make up, as long as Rosé was happy she would handle it.

"How about we watch a few movies and then Ella should be back by then?" I offered and we did just that. As soon as it was 8pm, we heard the car come into the driveway and I left the room to see a sleepy Ella laying her head on Lisa's shoulder as they walked into the house.

"Rosé really needs Ella's comfort." Jennie looked hesitant but Ella immediately looked up at me.

"Mommy help me get pajamas please? I'm sleeping with auntie Rosie tonight." She smiled at me and Lisa took her to prepare for bed. We heard her whine as she had to brush her teeth but we knew it was because she was very tired.

I saw Ella come down the stairs in a cute yellow nightgown, holding her Ellie but she handed it to Jennie. "In case you end up missing me too." She gave both her parents a kiss goodnight, before running into our room.

Jennie's eyes warned me to take care of her but Lisa quickly yanked her up the stairs. I went into the room and saw Ella rush to my beautiful sleeping mate.

She gently poked Rosé on the cheek. "Auntie Rosie? Psst, I want to be in your arms please." Rosé's eyes slowly opened but as soon as she saw Ella, she shot right up and held the covers open for her.

Ella cuddled into Rosé, gently playing with her hair and I heard Rosé sigh in relief as she got to hold Ella. I took the chance to go check up on Chaeng as I flashed up to her room.

She was just getting under the covers when I came in. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah I'm fine," she smiled at me, "I hope Rosé is too, I'm not mad or anything. Tomorrow I think she and I should go eat or something, just to make sure this is really behind us."

I winked at her, before leaving down to sleep. I was about to walk in when I heard Rosé singing to Ella, I peeked in and almost awed at how cute Ella looked cuddling her elephant while sleeping to Rosé's lullaby.

But then I remembered I'm Jisoo, I don't do emotions.

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