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Lisa POV

We all waited for Chaeng that night, sure we were tempted to go spy just to make sure she was okay, but we let her be with her first crush. Jennie was pacing by the front door, though that would be useless since we could hear the car engine from a mile away.

Rosé gave me a pointed look and I nodded. "Nini?" She looked over at me quickly before going back to nibble on her nails. "Come here." I held my arms open for her and she walked over to me, sitting on my lap as she nervously ran her fingers through her hair.

"What if she gets nervous and touches him and accidentally swaps bodies? I'm worried for her. I don't want anything happening to her."

I held Jennie closer to me, peppering small kisses along her cheek and jaw to calm her down which worked. Sure, she had a good point about the body swapping, but we trusted Chaeng. She had a phone so she shouldn't be too nervous for her.

Now we were all nervous, it was well past one and Chaeng didn't return yet. Even Rosé was thinking of going to search for her but Jisoo and I held our wives back from leaving. Sure, we expected her home by ten, but she was an adult.

Suddenly Jennie's phone rang and she instantly flashed upstairs to answer it. "Hello? What?! Okay we're coming!"

I was instantly worried but Jennie ran downstairs, tossing me the keys. "They're both stranded, a group of kids came to mess with them and one popped their tires. When we get there, Rosie and Jisoo, go make those fuckers pay, got it?"

They nodded and we got into the car, though I wished we could just run but we couldn't look suspicious to.. oh god I didn't even remember his name. Did she even tell us his name?!

We got to the mall and immediately Jisoo and Rosé tracked the other scents, leaving before the human boy and Chaeng saw them. I widened my eyes when I saw both of them had a busted lip and Chaeng had a bruise on her cheek.

"Jennie unnie," Chaeng whined as she ran to Jennie, throwing her arms around her and I looked at the guy awkwardly, hoping he didn't expect me to hug him.

"Let's get you guys home." I let Jennie stay in the back with Chaeng, who looked like she wasn't going to let go anytime soon. We dropped the guy off at home and Chaeng immediately burst into tears, rather than telling us what happened, she used her gift to show us.

I saw red when I saw the three guys pushing the two around behind the mall, before one punched her date in the fact, but of course, Chaeng ran to break it up and got hurt herself.

Jennie held Chaeng to her chest, promising she would make those guys pay and I got us home. She carried a sleeping Chaeng to her room while I waited for my sisters in the kitchen. I didn't have to wait long as Rosé came back with blood all over her face and hands, Jisoo red eyes too.

"That was a nice late night snack." Jisoo smiled at Rosé, who went to wipe off her face at the sink. I grimaced at how she got blood all over the sink and counter but left her to pick it up.

I walked upstairs to Chaengs room, listening to how Jennie was whispering to Chaeng about how that won't happen again, how she'll take care of her. She's asleep now Jennie told me through our link and I nodded, going to our room to wait for her on the bed.

Jennie came into the room and sat on my lap. "I can't believe she slept with him. And it's not hard to tell, their scents were mixed like crazy."

"I thought I went crazy noticing that, but if it was her choice that's what matters." I rubbed her back soothingly, kissing her cheek softly. "She's home now, she's okay."

Jennie nodded and I couldn't help but notice how maternal she's been to Chaeng lately. Sure, the first time they met Jennie tried killing her, but now Jennie would kill for her. I guess them bonding over having shitty mother's must've opened up something inside my wife.

I always felt guilty for holding the door closed on having children with her, I knew I could do the spell, but I was always scared of one, our child not wanting to be turned and die or two, having to turn them and something happened to them.

Then again, I'm a married woman, this should be a conversation I should have with Jennie not choose for Jennie. I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands and instantly Jennie turned to me.

"I'm fine it's just... do you ever want kids, Nini?" I watched as her face went into shock, then she got nervous and I felt bad, did she think I would be mad at her for it?

Be honest, baby. I won't be mad I promise.

"If you asked me a hundred years ago I would've said no but.. yes. I really do, Lili. I know the girls do too, but a group of vampires watching babies? That's impossible."

"Hey, if you want a baby I'll take care of you both forever. You won't have to worry for that. If Rosé and Jisoo wanted one, they can ask me, but that's for them to choose. Right now I'm asking you if you want one."

She nodded and I smiled at her, feeling so happy that we got through this talk without any tears or arguing. Sure I could do a spell to impregnate her right now, but she wanted to wait for Chaeng to be completely okay before we have the baby.

There was no way in hell that a baby would be coming out of my vagina. Nope, fuck that. Jennie's always wanted to go through the "wonderful" experience of a pregnancy so she can be the volunteer for it.

Lalisa Manoban with a large pregnant belly?

One hell and one no.

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