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Lisa POV

"Now." I looked to the girls and they nodded, breaking off into different directions of the woods so we could hunt and also see if we run into some wolves. I ran as fast as I could in case one of the mutts were running after me.

I jumped over the cliff, landing on my feet 50 ft below and grinned at how much blood I could smell from around here. I licked my lips and grinned when I saw a campfire.

Bingo I grinned as I made my way over to the small group of teens that probably wanted to enjoy a relaxing weekend.


I finished them off and hid them before running to crawl back up the cliff. I made it to the top and widened my eyes when I came face to face with a wolf. "Move!" I shouted at it, using my magic to push it away with a wave of my hand and I ran off.

I could hear it snarl at me as start to chase after me. Like hell I was going to call Jennie into this, I wouldn't want to put her into harms way since it was only one wolf.

I screamed as it nudged my ankle with its nose, knocking me down. Lisa was that you?! Jennie screamed to me in my head.

I can handle this one alone!

Like hell you are Jennie shouted at me but I couldn't focus as suddenly the wolf pinned me down, it's large mouth growling at me and I screamed. I tried to squirm out of its hold when suddenly that same white wolf came, knocking it off me.

The two wolves growled at each other and I widened my eyes when the white wolf almost looked like it was protecting me rather than killing me as well.

Suddenly the tan wolf jumped at my way, side stepping the white one but Jennie appeared and punched it to the floor. She ran to my side and knelt by me, ready to kill both of them.

The white one growled at Jennie and went to pounce but I ran in front of her, daring him with my eyes to even try it. Those eyes looked so familiar to me. Like I knew them from my human years, in Thailand.


"LISA!" Jennie screamed as the tan wolf tackled me down, but I quickly gripped my nails into its shoulder causing it to scream and the white wolf tackled it off yet again, now dragging it off and leaving.

"Babe! I'm going to kill you!" Jennie shouted at me as she helped me up. "A fucking wolf had you pinned and you weren't going to call for help?!"

"I didn't want you getting hurt. How's your hand?" I asked her, remembering how she punched the wolf. She shrugged and I kissed her hand, pulling her into a hug. "I wonder what's going to happen later when I hang out with Sana."

"You do that while we try to figure out more about who she is. But make sure to keep her distracted, we're going to need time." I nodded and we went back to the girls, this time I had a shield around us.

"What happened?!" Rosé gasped when she saw us and Jennie told her.

"We actually ran into one too except this time I sliced the asshole back in the stomach. See how it likes it." Jisoo grumbled, "Everyone done drinking? I'm ready to head back."

We all headed back and I remembered I was going to hang out with Sana today. "Wish me luck," I said to Jennie as I put on my new outfit, causing her to narrow her eyes at me.

"You could look uglier if you wanted to! Why you dressing up huh?!" Jennie growled at me and I rolled my eyes, blowing her a kiss before leaving downstairs.


"I'M SHAKING!" I shouted back, like Jennie could last a night without cuddling. I can guarantee she's going to jump on me the moment I return so I wasn't worried. I knew my wife.

Sana and I decided to meet up at a mall and I waited for her, leaning against the wall as I typed to the girls. I smelt her coming towards me and she gave me a nervous smile.

"Why meeting in the alley by the mall? I could've met you inside."

"Just felt like it," I shrugged with a smile but then my smile instantly dropped. She was bleeding on her stomach. "Why are you bleeding?"

"Oh uh, I fell." Sana's heart started to beat quicker, she was lying. I glared at her, in a blink having her pinned to the wall with a hand on her throat.

"Now that you mention it bitch." I snarled at her, now showing her my purple eyes. "Let's have a chat shall we?" She flashed me her yellow eyes and I snapped my fingers, causing her to fall asleep.

"You don't mess with my family." I glared down at the sleeping wolf. Jennie was going to have a field day with this one.

Jennie POV

"I'm going." I said to the girls as I decided to follow Lisa while she hung out with Sana. Sure, I was annoyed my wife was about to spend time with the liar, but I was also afraid Sana would have her helpers with her.

I wasn't going to leave my wife defenseless. Only I could beat her ass.

I ran towards Lisa's scent and grinned when I saw Jungkook leaning against a tree, watching them as well. I snuck up behind him and noticed he was bleeding on his shoulder.

He was the fucking wolf that tried to bite my Lisa. I widened my eyes when I saw Lisa push Sana against the wall and I would've gotten jealous if weren't for my wife's angry purple eyes.

I saw Jungkook about to rush over and I kissed at him. "I really wouldn't try that." He turned around and I used my speed to flash in front of him, knocking him in the jaw with all my strength since I knew I couldn't break his jaw like a human.

Didn't mean I couldn't lay his ass on the floor however. I grinned as he fell to the floor and frowned, wishing I brought a collar. I sighed, grabbing the wolf's wrist to drag him back to the house.

"I got a present for you," I sang to Lisa as we both made it back to the house at the same time, the others coming outside. I dropped the pup to the floor, wiping my hands away from the dirt of him.

"Same for you," Lisa winked at me as she popped the truck open, showing an unconscious Sana. It was like Christmas!

"You... you got me a dog?!" I squealed in excitement, the endless possibilities on how I could torture Sana flowing through me.

Lisa shrugged and together we took the wolves down to the basement. I watched Lisa put her hands against the wall, saying something softly and she grinned at us.

"This allows the wolves to be normal humans while in this house. No wolf strength, nothing. Have fun baby." Lisa gave me a kiss and I grinned, looking over at the unconscious Sana until Lisa snapped her fingers, allowing her to wake up.

I grinned as I grabbed a bat off the wall, swinging it playfully as I walked slowly towards  the groggy Sana, who was handcuffed to the chair.

"Rise and shine, flea bag." I smirked at her glare, "You and I are going to play for a bit. And trust me, I've been wanting to do this."

I slammed the bat down, but instead of hitting her, I hit her where it hurt the most, on the unconscious Jungkook's hand, loving the sound of the snap of his wrist and she screamed.

"That was for my wife, bitch!"

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