Chapter 2

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'let me explain' he says

'I actually believed you' I say with tears rolling down my eyes

'please?' he says still with hope

'that promise that you said wasn't real' I say with thousands of tears rolling down

He was confused

'of course, you have no idea what I'm talking about'

'oh yeah I remember' he says suddenly

'before we were together you told me, you PROMISED me that you loved me, and you left, I was so stupid to think that the promise was ever real' I say with mixed emotions. Half of me angry and half of me heart broken.

'I can never forgive you for you have done to me!'

'I am so sorry' he says

'You honestly think sorry is going to fix this. You broke my heart into MILLIONS of pieces, you cheated on me with my best FRIEND, I loved you and I thought you loved me back... but I guess all this was a lie! Every little bit of our relationship was a lie! Wasn't it'

He was speechless.

'I can't believe you would think that!' he says in disbelief 

'have you slept with anyone else other than me and Oliva?'

There was a pause and he just looked at the ground.

'I can't believe you' I walk out of my room leaving Tony just standing there

I ran down the stairs and straight to Josh's arm.

Josh is my boy best friend. He has brown shaggy hair with blonde highlights and brown eyes. We've been best friends for a while now and we feel comfortable around each other

'Can I stay at your place for a bit' I ask

'sure' he says

I packed up my stuff and as I was about to leave the house Tony shouts...


Josh and I took off and went to his house. His parents have been looking after it and before we left, he called them just to let them know he was coming back home. They left the keys under the door mat. Once we arrived Josh got the keys and unlocked the door.

"what room will I be staying in?" I asked

He showed me the room and I dropped my stuff down

"are you hungry or anything" he asks

"no, thanks anyway" I say staring at the ground holding back the tears

"do you mind if I stay in my room for a bit?" I ask trying to sound as natural as possible

"sure" he says

I close the door and sit on the bed. I go through my phone and look at old photos, messages and almost everything that reminds me of us and what we used to be. I slowly start to cry. Second by second, minuet by minuet my tears became more and more strong. Thankfully by now I know how to cry strongly and quietly so no one knows what's going on.

Soon enough, I heard a knock at my door.

"Hello? Can I come in?" he asks sounding extremely concern

"sure" I say as I sniffed from all my crying

"Oh, my goodness are you okay" he asked even more concern then he was before

He gives me a massive hug.

"why did this have to happen. Like I REALLY liked him, and he seemed like a nice Boyfriend and then he just does this" I say while crying onto his hoodie

"he didn't deserve you! it's okay don't cry" he tries to comfort

I fall asleep into his arms. I guess all that crying made me exhausted. He must'venoticed because when I woke up, I was in bed under the donor.

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