Chapter 26

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"Basically when Tony asked me if we can be friends again" I began but soon cut of by Ryland screaming

"SIMP" we all laughed before I continued

"He told me this really disturbing story, he told me that Olivia actually threaten Tony to cheat or she will try to hurt his family and everyone he cares about especially me, so he really had no choice."

Everyone was speechless and it took a little for everyone to process what they just heard.

"I- WHAT?!" Thomas yelled

"Yeah..." I said looking at Olivia

"and your not making this up?" Alex asked

"No I swear, Tony told me all this the other day"

"Oh my gosh... Olivia I think you should leave"

"When do you want me to come back" she asked

"Uh not that way LIKE LEAVE the hype house all together"

"Oh" she said looking down

"Please can I stay, I know everything that Alyssa said was true but this is like my home" She practically BEGS

"Well maybe you should've thought about that before you THREATEN people and their LIVES!" Thomas says a little mad

"Ok I'll go!" She screams back

She goes upstairs and within a few minutes she is back down with all her stuff. 

"By the way you are nothing without me" She says before she slams the door close.

We all just stood there taking in what was happening. We all just look at each other in dead silence. 

"I don't know if this is a bad thing but if I be honest with you I'm happy she is gone" I said braking the awkward silence.

"Me too" Addison said

Everyone was looking at Addison and I 

"ME TOO!" They all screamed

"To be honest I think we should celebrate!" I said 

"YES!!!!" Everyone screamed

"Shhh calm down we have neighbours" I whispered

We all burst out laughing.

"Okay should we hold a party or go out for dinner" I ask

"Go out for dinner" The girls said

"Party!" The boys said

It ended up as a draw so I called the sway boys to say what they think so I called them.

A/N OMG! Thank you soo much for 200 reads I really appreciate it and I love you guys so much!!

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