Chapter 4

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"its fine" he responds

All out a sudden the movie got paused and I look up at Josh who was holding the remote. I looked at him in a confused look.

"Snapchat photo" he says and giggles

I giggle with him. I smile and he posts it on his story.

Meanwhile at the Hype House

"look Olivia this was clearly a mistake" says Tony

"what do you mean" says Olivia confused

"I mean I don't want to be with you" tony confessed and walks away going through his snapchat stories. he sees Josh's stories and gets a little bit jealous because after all Alyssa was his and was always his

"wow already moving on" he mumbles assumingly

Back to Josh's House

He pressed play and before we knew it was the end of the movie.

"so, how'd you like it" I ask

"it was okayyy" he says

"was it" I say knowing that he absolutely hated it

"okay do you want me to tell you the truth?" he asks

"come on man just tell me!"

"I... ABSOLOUTLEY LOVED it" he says

I was shocked. I started to get tired and asked him if we could go to bed. He replies with sure.

"also..." he says. I know the subject is going to go STRAIGHT to the break up, but I act dumb pretending that I know nothing

"I don't think you should go to bed alone..."

"Knew it" I think in my head

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