Chapter 21

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Me and Addison continued talking until we were soon was interrupter by..

Tony! I just rolled my eyes, pretending he wasn't nor ever there and kept talking to Addison UNTIL HE INTERRUPTS ME YET AGAIN!

"Hey Alyssa, can we talk?" 

I just look at him straight in the eyes.

"Please, in private?" he said with hope in his eyes

UGHH that was the one thing I've always liked about him. He always had hope, somehow

"Fine" I stood up

"Follow me" He said now happy as we walked into a room. 

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask

"Listen I know you hate and you should hate me after what I did, but Alyssa. I hate this bad blood and tension between us..." 

"I mean do you blame me" I said cutting him off

"I didn't finish. Alyssa I NEED you in my life, we were so close and I can't stand it!"


"But I had to cheat. You have no Idea what situation I was put in"

I give him a confused look

"Well Olivia was always jealous of our relationship. She threatened me saying that if I don't 'get with her' than she will kill you, my family and everyone I ever cared about!" 


I was speechless, I had no clue Olivia was capable of doing that, and in that very moment I decided to forgive and forget 

"Listen Tony..." I began

"I understand where your coming from but It's just-" I stopped

"I don't think were ever going to be able to go back to what we used to be" 

He looks down and It looked like he felt truly hurt

"Howeverrrr..." I say trying to lighten the mood.

He looks up with a bit of hope

"We CAN be friends!" I said

"Wait what?!!" He said with excitement in his voice

"I'm going to forgive and forget soooo LETS BE FRIENDS!!"

"Oh my god" He said with full blown excitement

He picked me up and span me around. He put me back down and walked out, I watched. He then stopped and mouthed 'thank you' and I respond with 'any time 😊"

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