Chapter 29

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(Don't play the song yet)

Once we finished getting ready and the sway members arrived we all left to go to the restaurant. We arrived at 71 above and took a table outside. We all sat and talked about what food we're going to order. The waitress came and while she was taking the orders she was eyeing Bryce. Once we all ordered she grabbed everyone's Menus but when she came to Bryce she made sure she did it slowly. She soon left after. We got our food by a different waitress. We were all talking and eating together, and it was really nice except for the part that my phone was literally blowing up. I ignored it and enjoyed the night with my friends. Jaden and I got really close over that dinner and talked to each other the majority of it.

We were waiting for our desserts and I decided to check my phone quickly. All my notifications was blowing up from a post on Instagram. I opened it and was a post from Tik Tok room, which I found a little suspicious but what I found more suspicious was the fact that every notification preview was that Bryce and Nakitas name was mentioned. I closed the app, put my phone on silent and turned it off. I have to admit that I was a little, no scratch that A LOT worried. I guess I had the look on my face because Josh nudged me.

"Hey you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I blankly lied

I went back to talking to Jaden and we decided to do a tik tok.

Since it was a busy restaurant we were naturally close together. We did the Tik Tok, had some dessert and went home. The sway boys were staying over for a bit so we all went on the couch to relax. I turned my phone on and saw that I had over 1000 notifications from the same Tik Tok room post. I opened one of the notifications and I couldn't believe what I saw! 

It was Nakita and Bryce kissing! I couldn't believe my eyes. Anger and Sadness building up inside of me. 

"Hey Alyssa can we talk?" Bryce asked

"Yeah sure" I said following him to a little more private area

"Look I don't know what's going on between you and Jaden but it has to stop"

"No the thing between you and Nakita has to stop"

(Play the song now)

"What do you mean?!"

"What do you mean?!, I mean you cheated on me!"


"Oh don't try denying it! There is a picture posted all over the internet of you and Nakita kissing" I say raising my voice a little higher

"Alyssa I was going to tell you"

"We haven't even been dating for a week and you're already sticking your tongue down somebody else's"

"Alyssa you don't understand!"

"Was I just a game for you, wait no don't answer that question I WAS!" I scream

"Alyssa I'm sorry I was drunk" 

"Whatever we had here" I said motioning the space between us

"Is over" I continued walking out the hallway trying to hold the tears but one tear escaped as I was walking up the stairs. Josh ran over and gave me a side hug until we got to my room. We got into my room and my eyes started POURING with tears.

"Heyyyy what's wrong" Josh asked in a comforting voice

"B-Bryce c-c-cheated o-on me..." I say trying to spit out the words

"WHAT?!!" Josh raised his voice as he stand up

"No please don't do anything!" I say crying harder than ever before

"Fine but only for you" he said as he gave me a tight hug. 

I fell asleep in his arms and he put me to bed

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