Chapter 14

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 I got out of the hospital bed. We stopped by the reception and logged me out. It was quiet way home until Ryland held my hand. I let him and squeezed his in return. We pulled into the driveway of The Hype House. We got out of the car. I knocked on the door.

"ALYSSA!!" Ondreaz says

Everyone comes out of the living room. Ondreaz gave me a huge long hug.

"hello... We're here to yeah?" Everyone says and Ondreaz brakes out of the hug. As soon as he does that everyone just hugs me all at once.

"Okay, Okay guys!" everyone brakes out

"What time is it?" I ask

"Its 12 o'clock" Charli says

"Let's have lunch!" I say

Nick started to order food but Tony steps in and said that he would order it. While he was saying it, he was looking at me waiting for some sort of reaction, but I give him a neutral face. Tony ordered chick-fil-a and we all started to eat. I started eating, joking and talking to everyone until I started to feel sick. I ran upstairs into my room and dry reached. Addison ran after me.

"Are you alright?" she asked concerning

"yeah, I'm fine, I think I'm just going to head to bed..."

"okay see ya"


While I was lying down in bed I came to a huge realization. I kind of have a crush on Ryland AND Bryce. I ran out of my room.


"Okay??" I pull her aside

"I'm kind of in a situation..."

"What situation exactly?"

"okay so I kind of have a crush on Ryland but at the same time I have celebrity crush on Bryce..."

"Wait a minute... isn't Ryland your best friend and you haven't even met Bryce!"

"That's why it's a CELEBRITY crush!"

"Alyssa you aren't going to have a crush on someone you haven't even met so do you know what?! We're going to the sway house so you can meet him! GET READY"

"ok, ok geez"

I decided to wear blue ripped jeans and a black tube top with some white converse shoes. I tell Addison I'm ready and we leave to go to the sway house. In about 20 minuets we were there.

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