Chapter 15

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"Okay let's go!"

"Wait let me call Josh!"


"Just wait"

Josh answers the phone

"Hey Josh!" I say

"Hey Alyssa, I was just going to call you, I have some news!"

"What is it?" I ask

"So lately I have been staying at the sway house and I am officially a member!!"

"Oh My God Josh that's amazing! Are you there now?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well I'm kind of there now..."


"Long story, can you let us in?"

"Knock first"

"of course, I'll see you soon! Bye"

"Bye" Josh hangs up

Addison asks if it was fine and she knocks. Josh opens the door.

"JOSH!! I missed you" as I ran to give him a hug

"Me too" He says

"Ay what's this commotion?!" Bryce asks

I pull out of the hug. I look back to Addison. She gives me a blank look. Bryce stops in his tracks.

"Josh who's this?"

"This is Alyssa, my best friend" Josh rests his head on my shoulder but quickly lifts his head up

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