Chapter 22

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After Tony and I talked, I headed back outside towards Addison who was now with Charli, Dixie and Kouvr. 

"Okay SPILL!" Charli exclaimed 

" What?!" I said confused 

"What happen between you and Tony" 

"Oh that, was nothing it was just two people talking"

"Mhmmm" Addison said

"Fine, he just said that he hated bad blood and all that"

"He DEFS wants you back" Dixie said

"Well I'm over him for once and for all"

"GO GURL!" Kouvr screams

"Calm downnn" I said embarrassed

I got changed out of my dress and decided to sit by the pool.

"Hey guys I'm going to sit by the pool, I'll talk later" 

"Okay" They all said

A/N: I know this chapter is very boring but I have hit a writers block 

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