Chapter 37

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The Italics are going to be your thoughts

I turn around. He motioned me to sit by him again.

"Alyssa..." He says again

"I'm sorry, I know I mean a lot to you but..." His voice trails off

"But?" I repeat

"How about we talk about this over dinner or something" He suggests

"Um Okay?" I say having no clue what's going on

"Tonight, 8? I'll pick you up" He says

"Okay, uh I guess I'll see you there?"


I went out of his room and left sway to get ready. I got in my car and called Addison.

Phone call

Hey Bebes

Hey Addi

So what happened

So he eventually opened the door and let me in

and what happened

Well, I literally poured my heart out telling me how much he means to me


and he literally just does nothing. So then I was like welp I tried and I left

So that's it?!

No he called my name before I was leaving from his room and his says

Alyssa I'm sorry I know how much I mean to me but...

But what?!!

Your guess is as good as mine, then his like let's talk about this over dinner

Wow! so this man must care about you huh?

Yeah I guess

Anyway I got to go I'm home

Wait Alyssa!

Yeah what's up

If I say this you promise you won't kill me

Depends what it is

I'm taking that as a yes

You like Josh don't you


Just as I said no butterflies rushed through my stomach

Yes you do!

How do you know that

Well just as I said you liked Josh your cheeks turned red

Wait how did?!

Look behind you dumbo

I hung up the call. Turned off the ignition and ran to give Addisona hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I can't let my bestie get ready for a date without me"

I instantly smiled

"oh wow Alyssa is head over heels for this guy"

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