Chapter 3

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When I got up, I sat next to Josh.

"hey sleepy head"

"hey" I say with a little laugh

"I bet I know what will make you feel A LOT better" he says

"what" I say in doubt

"TIK TOK'S" he guesses

"YESSSSSS!!" I say in extreme pointless excitement

We did a few Tik Tok dances. After we posted them, he was getting heaps of comments saying, "oh they would be so cute together" and "SHIP! ❤". Josh and I decided to go live just to clear the air.

"hey Guys!" he starts off with

"hey!" I join

"I'm terribly sorry but we can't go on for long we just wanted to clear the air" Josh informs his fans

"yeah..." I really didn't know what to say

"so, Alyssa and I are just really really close friends. That's why we act really goofy in front of each other and towards you guys" he says

I just smile and nod

"is there anything you would like to say Alyssa?" he asks

"no, I think you made it clear" I say

"come on I can't be talking the whole time!" he says with a little chuckle

"no, I think everything's fine..." I say quietly

"wait a minute!" he says like he just discovered something

"what" I say feeling weird

"Your nervous aren't you" he says

"no..." I say and a little nervous laugh escape me

"OMG you ARE!" he says shockingly

"Hey Josh!" I say quickly changing the subject

"Yes Alyssa" he responds

"I'm kind of hungry can we have lunch?" I ask

"sure, also SAVED BY THE BELL" he says

I burst out into laughter and so does he

"Anyway, we're going to get lunch BYE GUYS!" I say loudly so he gets the message

He ends the live

After he asks If I want to do a movie night. I laugh and say sure.

"since I made you feel better with the Tik Tok dances I will let you choose the movie and I'll get the popcorn" he explains

"okay thank you! Also do you mind if it's a teen romance?"

"I don't mind anything after all, you're the one choosing the movie" he giggles

I typed "Let It Snow" into the Netflix and waited for Josh. He brings popcorn and blankets. We cuddled up and I press play.

"by the way I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to these types of movies because I get so excited when something good happens to the characters and I wanted it to happen" I inform him

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