Chapter 34

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A few short minutes later I heard a knock on the door.
"ALYSSA!!" All the boys scream

"EYYYY" I scream back

I let them inside. They greeted everyone else.

"Hey Alyssa" Jaden says

"What's up?" I ask

"Wanna Some C.O.D in your room"

"Sure but please tell me you were better then this morning" I say as we headed for the stairs

"Come on I wasn't that bad"

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn't"

"YES YOU WERE!" Me and the sway boys screams

Me and Jaden reached the stairs and played a few games of call of duty and went back downstairs.

"Who won" Josh asks

"I did" Jaden and I said in sync

"Just check the kills and the cash collected and you'll see" I simply said

"Okay yep Alyssa definitely won" Josh said convinced

"Hey Alyssa can I talk to you for a sec"

"Yeah sure"

"HEY! Why is Alyssa getting so much attention" Mia asked

"I actually have no clue" I responded

"Okay..." Bryce said as he closed the door

"So about Nakita" he continues

"So I was thinking about breaking up with her tonight"

"Okay but how no restaurants would be open by this time in the night"

"True how about IHOP"

"Okayyy lets do it text her"

"Ight" Bryce says as he opens his phone

I look over his shoulder

Text message between Bryce and Nakita

Bold: Bryce
Italics: Nakita

Hey Nakita

Hey bby what's up?

Wanna go to IHOP

I thought you were hanging with the Hype

I took the phone off him

Well I could escape

Sounds good what time and when


Okieee see you soon BABY ❤️❤️

By the way do you mind if Alyssa can come

But it's ourrr dateee

If you really love me

Fine but don't expect me to act nice 🙄🙄

Bye nak

Bye bby

In a few minuets we arrived at IHOP. We saw Nakita and sat in the booth.

"HEY BABY and Alyssa"

"Hi" I simply said

I wanted this over and done with. I texted Bryce to just get straight to the point.

"Um Nakita we actually have to talk"

"What's up hun?"

"Well I think we should break up"

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