Chapter 36

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Time skip to a couple of weeks

Just a quick recap and what has happened

Bryce and Addison are now a couple and I'm so happy. Jaden and I are close friends. Bryce and I are also close friends. Bryce slowly but quickly got over the breakup OBVIOUSLY. Ryland and I are the close of the closest of friends. Nakita is still being problematic and started posting some stuff on the internet, however it didn't faze anyone. Nakita is now getting cancelled for cheating on Bryce before he broke up with her. Josh has suddenly ignored me a day after Bryce broke up with Nakita. He hasn't answered my texts nor calls and it actually hurts. He was my everything and now he is just ghosting me for no reason. He has been flirting a bit but we've done it before so I thought nothing of it but clearly it was something so here I am

I went over to the sway house because all out of a sudden my BEST FRIEND started ignoring me. I know that I did nothing wrong. When I arrived I knocked on the door and Addison answered.

"ADDIII!" I scream and gave her a hug

"Lyssa!" Addison said

"How's Bryce?" I ask as she let me inside


"Um is Jo-"

"LIYSSAAAA!!!" Jaden screams and gives me a big tight hug.

"J!" I scream back

He lets me go.

"Like I was saying... Is Josh here?"

"Oh my god alyssa thank god you're here, Josh hasn't came out of his room for ages and has been completely ignoring us" Anthony says as he cam down the stairs

"So his been ignoring you too huh?"

Anthony gives me a confused look

"Ever since Braddison his been giving me the cold shoulder"

"Maybe talk to him"

"I don't know, I mean I was going to but I guess it's not going to be worth it"

"Please?" Jaden buts into the convocation

"FINEEE" I say playfully rolling my eyes

"Thanks Alyssa you're like the absolute best!"

"I mean..." I said twirling around

"Just go!" Jaden screams

"Alright Alright" I said making my way up the steps and going to Josh's room


I knocked on the door

"Go away" Josh screams from inside

"Josh it's me"

I hear nothing. So I knock again.


"Josh please!" 

I got a message from Addison saying that they left the sway so me and josh can talk.

"Alyssa go away" He simply says

"Josh you don't understand" I say on the verge of tears

He unlocks and opens the door. His eyes are red with tear stained cheeks. He motioned me to sit down beside him. We just sat in pure silence.

"Josh why are you doing this to me?"

"What do you mean"

"You're completely cutting me off from your life"

"It's for the best"

"Josh you don't understand me, you were my everything, you are my everything! you're the reason I kept going in my life. We were best friends we laughed together, we cried together we did everything. You helped me through everything. My breakups, My stupid drama, hate, Anxiety and panic attacks, my parents divorcing at our age, me wanting to no longer be on this earth. Josh PLEASE TALK TO ME. Please Josh don't even think about leaving me, I need you in my life, I need you by my side because if it wasn't for you I would be gone. I wouldn't of celebrated my 18th nor my 16th not even my 13th birthday because everything would've just gotten to me Josh! I need you in my life and you blocking me from it is killing me, physically and mentally! There's times where I was just sitting my room and all the great times we've had together made me cry because Josh I care about you so bloody much and I NEED you! Please just talk to me " I said while crying

He looks up.

Josh's P.O.V (A/N: Switching it up a bit)

I heard a knock on the door. I didn't want to speak to anyone and I haven't for a few days now.

"Go away" I scream

"Josh it's me" Alyssa says.

God I missed hearing her voice. I decided to not respond hoping she would go away. She knocks on the door yet again. I still don't respond

"Josh you don't understand" She says

I can hear her being on the verge of tears. I got up, unlocked the door and opened it for her. I let her in and she closes the door behind her. I motioned her to sit next to me.

I didn't say anything nor did she, we just sat in pure silence.

"Josh why are you doing this to me?"

"What do you mean" I ask 

"You're completely cutting me off from your life"

"It's for the best"

Truth is that I had strong feelings for her, and not in a friendship way. I generally liked her, I loved hearing her laugh and seeing her smile. I knew she would never like me back so instead I just completely blocked her from my life hoping these feelings would go away but they never did.

"Josh you don't understand me, you were my everything, you are my everything! you're the reason I kept going in my life. We were best friends we laughed together, we cried together we did everything. You helped me through everything. My breakups, My stupid drama, hate, Anxiety and panic attacks, my parents divorcing at our age, me wanting to no longer be on this earth. Josh PLEASE TALK TO ME. Please Josh don't even think about leaving me, I need you in my life, I need you by my side because if it wasn't for you I would be gone. I wouldn't of celebrated my 18th nor my 16th not even my 13th birthday because everything would've just gotten to me Josh! I need you in my life and you blocking me from it is killing me, physically and mentally! There's times where I was just sitting my room and all the great times we've had together made me cry because Josh I care about you so bloody much and I NEED you! Please just talk to me "she said while she was crying

I looked up gobsmacked 

Alyssa's P.O.V

I let out all my feelings for Josh. He still said nothing so I just got up and started to walk to the door. 

"Alyssa" Josh says

A/N: I'm not crying...

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