Chapter 9

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"who is it?" I say with a croaky voice

"Tony" he answers

"What do you want?" I say as I felt more tears coming for a second round

"I want to talk" he says

"fine" I got up, let him in and sat on the bed

"look I am sorry" he says

"why'd you do it? Were you not happy with me? Were you even happy at all" as tears start rolling down my face

"No Alyssa I was!!"

"then why'd you do it?" I say as more tears were rolling down my face

"do you know what?!" I say

"what" he says

"I was actually happy with Josh. I actually had a great time there. he actually made me comfortable" I inform him

"I know I saw" he tells me

"what do you mean?"

"I saw it on his Snapchat story" he informs me

"look I made a huge mistake! I want you back!" he says

I completely ignore what he said

"Tony I actually had depression because of you! I went through old photos that I still have on my phone, old text messages. I thought you were loyal and the kind of guy who wouldn't cheat on me. We were together since we were 16 and we had a really strong connection!" I say

I left him startled and he left. He left like he always did. I cried yet again. This time I wasn't bothered to hide it. I guess I cried myself to sleep because when I woke up it was morning. I didn't want to go down and eat breakfast, so I stayed in my room. I got a knock on my door and I screamed come in. it was Ryland my other boy best friend. Ryland dirty blond curly hair, he has hazelnut eyes along with the BEST personality I can ask for.

"come down and eat some breakfast!" he says

"nah, I'm good" I say

Ryland can always tell when something is disturbing me and if I am in risk of danger

"what's wrong?" he asks

"what? Oh, uh nothing!" I say

"come on I know when your upset!" he says

"fine, I just don't want to see Tony's face" I say

"come on! His not here" he tries to make me comforted

"and even if he does see you, I can bring you your brekkie. As long as you eat" he says

"aww thanks and promise?" I ask

"promise!" he says

We make our way downstairs and Charli asks me where I was last night. I just said I was tired and went to bed. Thankfully she believed me.

A/N please leave suggestions I would appreciate it soo much

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