Chapter 11

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I ran into my room, locking the door behind me. Luckily, I got there before Ryland because I really just wanted to be alone.

"Alyssa come out!" he yells

"no leave me alone"
"come on, he is going to be here with us and your going to have to see him around" he states

"you can't just let him run you out" he says

He was right, but the thing is I don't want to see him, because I know that all those memories and feelings is going to keep rushing back into me.

"Just leave me alone please!" I say with tears starting to come for the second round today

"NO! Your going to come out! Alyssa everyone needs you" he says

"well if "everyone" "needed" me then I would still be with my Boyfriend and still be great friends with my best friend! So, it's pretty clear NO ONE NEEDS ME!" I scream

Everyone started running up the stairs and listened in

"Come on Alyssa come out!!" Olivia says

"Olivia don't get me started with you!!" I yelled

"Sometimes I wonder why you did it and what my life would be like if you didn't do any of this!" I continued

"Alyssa do you want us to leave you alone?" Addison asked

"YES! That's all I wanted!!" I beg

"come on Ryland we should leave her alone" Addison said to Ryland

"Okay..." he finally gave in

They left. A couple of hours goes by and it's time for dinner

"Alyssa come down for dinner" Charli says

"No, I'm not hungry" I say

"NO! your coming down to eat dinner with everyone" she screams

"NO! I AM NOT HUNGRY!" I scream back

"okay then" Charli says

I go to sleep. It was hard to sleep because I was hungry, but I didn't want to risk seeing anyone or worst-case scenario EVERYONE. I finally fell asleep. 

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