Chapter 12

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I woke up at around 10am since it was hard to sleep. it was too late to have breakfast, but it wasn't like I was going to have it anyway. As I was flicking through my phone, I received a knock on the door.

"It's Ryland"

"Yes?" I say

"Are you okay you haven't eaten dinner or breakfast"

"well 1 I wasn't hungry last night and 2 I just woke up so it's too late anyway" I say

"okay well let me know if you need anything" he says

"will do" I say, and he leaves. I flicked through my phone some more and suddenly had the motivation to get ready. As I got up, I felt a little nauseous but I just assumed it was because I had trouble sleeping last night. I picked a yellow crop top and some ripped jean shorts. I decided to go with a natural make up since I wasn't going to leave my room. I finished my concealer and chose some natural eye shadow and put it on my eyes. I went back to bed and flicked through Instagram and watched some YouTube videos. It was lunch time and I didn't want to see anyone still.

"Hey Alyssa, have some lunch please!" Addison says

"I'm not hungry" I say

"Alyssa you haven't eaten from yesterday"

"What?!" Tony overhears

"Alyssa you haven't eaten from lunch yesterday?!" He says

"No and it's not a big deal!" I scream

"Yes, it is a big deal!" he states

"you're going to starve yourself!" he says

"no, I'm not going to starve, I'm just not hungry currently"

"Why would you care anyway!" I say feeling like another load of tears going to come

"Can you please leave?" Says Tony

"Sure" says Addison

"look just because I made a mistake doesn't mean I don't care about you!"

"Yeah? And what was that mistake?!" I say

"I cheated..."

"with who exactly?!"

"With Olivia..."

"Which was?" I ask knowing the answer

"Your best friend" he says as huge regret comes over

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! EVERYONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" I scream out to everyone

No one talks to me for the rest of the day

A/N I loved making this chapter especially the guilt trip with Tony

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