Chapter 35

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"Well I think we should breakup"

"What?!" Nakita Screams making everyone looking at us.

"Look I know we have only dated for a few weeks not even but I think that we just jumped into a relationship and I don't think I was ready, and then I realised that I lost feelings for you"

Nakitas eyes were as big as golf balls.

I texted Bryce saying that's a little harsh then Nakita saw Bryce looking at his phone texting my back.

"So that's the girl that you fell for?! Who are you texting"

"A friend! That same friend that made me realise that I have fallen so deeply for another girl and is helping me through this situation right now if you must know"

"Um I'm so sorry Nakita but Bryce I think we should go back to the Hype house, they have probably caught on by now" I said as I motioned Bryce to get up.

We left the restaurant. As soon as I was about to open the door a tear went down Bryce's face. I opened the door put my stuff in and went over to Bryce. I opened my hands out, and he gave me a huge hug. I kept on holding him as he was letting everything out.

"I d-don't k-k-know why I-I'm crying" he says as he broke out of the hug

I cupped his face wiping his tears while saying "Bryce it's completely normal for you to cry after a breakup, even if you didn't have strong feelings for the person the feelings was still there"

I let go of his face.

"you know Alyssa you should be a councillor" he says chuckling as he went inside the car

I giggled as I went to my car and drove back to the Hype house.

We arrived at the Hype house and went inside

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