Chapter 38

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I was so shocked. It was beautiful. I look over to Josh who was smiling which made me smile. I took off my flats while balancing on Josh. We then went over to the area that Josh set up for us. We started having a genuine convocation and we were laughing. Gosh did I miss this. Josh then became suddenly quiet.

"Hey what's wrong" I ask

"Nothing, It's Just" 

Josh's P.O.V

I look over to Alyssa and she looked shocked. She then took her shoes off while balancing on me. We went over to the area that we set up. We were both laughing and talking to each other until I suddenly became quiet. 

"Hey, what's wrong" She asks

"Nothing it's just..."

Come on Josh it's now or never

"I'm so deeply sorry for ignoring you. It's just because ever since we met when you first joined the Hype house, I liked you. Whenever you smiled I smiled, every time you laughed butterflies would take over my stomach, and when you said those words to me at the house I instantly regretted it. I would sit in my room thinking about all those lovely memories we had. So what I am trying to say is I'm Truly madly deeply in love with you." I said 

I poured my heart and gave her every bit of emotion I had towards her. This either made or break our friendship

Alyssa's P.O.V

He looks over to me. 

"I'm so deeply sorry for ignoring you. It's just because ever since we met when you first joined the Hype house, I liked you. Whenever you smiled I smiled, every time you laughed butterflies would take over my stomach, and when you said those words to me at the house I instantly regretted it. I would sit in my room thinking about all those lovely memories we had. So what I am trying to say is I'm Truly madly deeply in love with you." he says

I was shocked. Even more shocked then before. I really liked him. Okay now it's your turn.

"Josh, I really don't know what to say. Just today while I was getting ready to go out with you I was sitting on my bed thinking of our memories we had. Me pushing you into the pool and then you payed me back"

We chuckled

"Josh I like you too" I say 

Josh's P.O.V

I was shocked. Like I was in pure shock. Okay now it's time pop the question.

"Alyssa will you be my girlfriend?" 

Alyssa's P.O.V

"Alyssa will you be my girlfriend?" He asks

"Oh my god YES!" I scream

He instantly gives me a hug and kisses me. I kiss back. He breaks the kiss. We started to pack up and put everything in the boot (or trunk if your american). We got in the car and held hands. I was super happy, I am finally with the one that will treat me right and will forever. I saw Josh glance at me and smile. I am so excited to see what's in store whatever it was me and josh would be able to take it on together.

A/N: Holy crap this book is completed. This is my first book and I'm sorry if the ending was rushed. Let me know what you think.

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