Chapter 8

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"what do you want!" I say

"look I'm sorry."

"sorry for what? Sleeping with my boyfriend? lying to me? ruining our friendship? ruining my trust? making me have to LEAVE the Hype house because I couldn't stand seeing you or Tony's face once I saw that he cheated on me? OR THE FACT that I cried myself to sleep every night looking through photos of me and tony, missing him? Which one Olivia? WHICH ONE?" I say with a tone in my voice

"I am so sorry I never knew that!" she says with shock

"well now you do. Look what you have done to me, and I could've finally felt normal... no you have to come in and ruin it like you always do" I say with a huge amount of anger in my voice

I storm off and ran into my room. I sit in my room and just cry. I let it all out except with me being as quiet as I can be. I finally picked myself up and started making my way to Charli's room again. As I was walking, I saw Tony. All the feelings came rushing back. I had instant flashbacks and what we used to be. I ran to my room. I just collapsed onto my bed and started crying into my pillow. Someone must've saw me because I got a knock on my door. 

A/N this is my first fan fiction so It's probably really bad... but hey, I tried my best

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