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It's hot asf here in freeridge. Me and the crew have been in so much missions. First lil Ricky now chuchillos.
My hair was in a ponytail and i wore some shorts and a shirt.

I ran down the street to the corner store and wanted to buy my favourite snack but it was too high. And me with my short 4'11 ass couldn't get it.

"Fuckkkk" I jumped but couldn't reach to it.

"Need help?" A boy asked me.

"Nah.. I got it" I smiled shyly and he chuckled. He didn't seem much older. Maybe 17 or 18? He had his hair back full with hair Gel. People would think a cow licked his hair.

"Okay, whatever you say" he reached and took the snack

"Than-" I stoped once he walked away. Well okay.

I started jumping again to reach it but I couldn't. I saw him talking to some boys and I turned around. I saw Cuetes bald ass. He is a 19th street boy huh?

"Hey! Uh...can you actually help me" I bit my under lip as he and his boys turned around. I saw Cuete raise his eyebrow and I gave him a nod and he did the same.

"Sure." He smirked and walked to me. He reached for the long gold
TOBLERONE snack and handed it to me. I took it from his hand and thanked him softly.
I walked over to the cashier and waited for him to come.

"Sorry. That will be $3.08" he looked me up and down which made me feel uncomfortable. I cleared my throat and handed him the money. Once I saw him give me the change and lick his lips while checking me out, I brought my shorts more down and left.

"Bye have a nice day" I sighed and walked out of the store.

"Ay! Satana come here!" I heard a voice say. Cuete.

"Cuete. I'll fuck you up if you call me that again" I turned around and warned him.

"Sorry ma! I forgot for a sec. hey where you heading to?" He chuckled.

"Meeting with the crew as usual." I shrugged. "por qué?"

"We saw that man check you out, though you maybe wanted a ride?" Jose said and I looked at him.

"Cuete... you can drive?" I laughed

"Well yeah." He said in a duh tone
"Why are you laughing hoe?" He smiled.

"H-how can you reached the pedals?" I laughed making the boy and Jose laugh too.

"Bitch you need a ride or nah?" He got annoyed.

"I think you already got your answer. Nah papacito I'll be fine. Go fuck some hyna why you fooling around" I winked at him and walked off.
Cuete and Jose were my old friends. We went to kindergarden together and school. But this boy I've never seen him before. Not that I've seen any other but pretty boys catch my eye at school always.

I walked home and looked around . No one is Home.

Well great. Party time.

I took my Alexa and played loud Spanish music.
I changed into:

I put my hair in a messy bun and put a nose mask on

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I put my hair in a messy bun and put a nose mask on. I was singing and dancing around for what felt like hours.

"And I cant belive we ain't together! I'm tryna play it cool but I'm loosing You. I'll buy you anything I'll buy you any Ringg..." my music was turned off. I quickly turned around and saw Oscar, Cesar and some santos trying not to laugh. I stepped down from the kitchen table and stood quite.

"Why the fuck you listening to Justin Bieber?" Oscar spat.

"Sowwy. I just like the song puto." I pouted with a smile.

"Shut yo ass up and get to sleep you have a meeting with the crew tomorrow" he rolled his eyes and I did the same

"Night!" I yelled from my room and hugged Cesar. Me and him didn't share a room but he needed to catch me up on what they were doing

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