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"So hold up- you wanna kill Cuchillos?" My eyes went wide and they nodded fast.

"Yes. And Oscar says it's handled."

"Handled! What do you mean handled? Handle could mean anything" Jamal started raising his voice and I rolled my eyes. I saw Oscar ran a hand over his face.
"Handle with care. Manhandle. Twitter handle."

"Yeah, cause spooky is setting Cuchillos up with a twitter handle" I shook my head.

"There are handlers that handle every-"

"Enaugh!" Oscar stopped him.
I heard Ruby's phone buzz again.

"Are you sure about this? We're talking about taking a life here." Monse crossed her arms and I sighed.

"Or yours, mine, everyone's." He looked down.

"And yet you work for her."

" 'worked' . past tense. She's out of control. It's never been this bad before. And it's all for Nothing.Putting you kids in the middle of her crazy vendetta...
Shits messed up. And she doesn't give a damn. She doesn't give a shit about no one. Even does most loyal to her. Like our dad" me and Cesar looked at Oscar.
"Made him take the fall back in the day. But her time is up! She's taking a meeting she's not walking out of."

"Oh. Handled." Jamal looked at ruby.

"You guys need to keep yourself busy starting now. Go somewhere you'll be seen. A place with lots of cameras like a mall." Oscar told us.
As you can see my brother is willing to save our life. No no he WILL SAVE our life. But- I don't want him in risk.

" I hate malls. Dying industry. I shop for everything online" Jamal

"Where ever you are, use your phone. Just don't use it to call me." Oscar looked at me.

"How do we know it's been handled?" Ruby asked

"I'll hit up Cesar or Sara" Oscar took his phone.
Ruby's phone buzzes again and I looked at him.

"Respond to her!" Me and Monse said softly.

"Jasmine can't be here. I don't wanna put her in anymore danger." I smiled at how he cared.

"Hmm-mm you are right ignore her." Monse said.

Oscar kissed my head.
"Te amo princesa." He whispered and I nodded. I heard the door close and prayed to god.

I saw Cesar go out after Oscar. They were talking. I opened the window to hear what they were talking. The santos/ Cuchillos turned on Ray. For no reason.

Soon Oscar left and we did too.
We were now on west coast and Jamal was making a live on Instagram.

I drank my drink and waited.

My Sapo💖

Heyy what you doin?
You free?

"You making sure he's okay too?" Monse asked me and I nodded.

"Haven't talked to him in 2 days. He said he got a lot of stuff to do." I shrugged.


Don't you dare hurt my brother or friends.
You know I mean it and you know what I can do. Don't make me get that side of me on you. I know you turned on ray but okay I hate him. Turn on Oscar and you're dead to all of us Tía.

Is my secreta sobrina[secret niece] threatening me?
Angelita you don't want to mess with me.
Bye, love have a nice night.

Screw you. Cuchillos i ain't playing.

I shut off my phone. I saw Ruby and Jasmine go out. Wtf.

"Anything?" I asked Monse and Cesar but they shook their head

"I'm scared" my voice broke

"I- I might have texted him.." I bit my lip.

"Sara! He said not to!"

"But it's been hours! What if he's dead!"

- 3 days later -

I was shaking and watching as Monse and Cesar talked.
Ruby and Jamal went to check the house.

"Well?" Cesar asked as ruby and Jamal came in. I stopped and walked over to them.

"Spooky's car hasn't moved from the driveway."

"Did you look inside the house?"

"Through the front window. Nothing" ruby sighed

"And the side. Nothing" Jamal added

"What about the back?" I joined.

"Cesar didn't tell us to look in the back."

"I didn't think I had to" Cesar raises his voice.

"'Check the house' means check the house, not part of the house!"
I yelled at them.

"Okay, Sara. Everyone is doing the best they can." Monse said.

"Oh really? Cause it seems like you are pretty chill and calm down leaning on that chair!" I snapped at her

"You know what just forget it. Cesar took his back pack I did too.
"I'm gonna go see if there's any sign of him."

"I'm coming with!" I said

"No. We agreed you can't go home" Monse took Cesars backpack and threw it on the table.

"Maybe this is what spooky meant by he's handling it." Jamal said and Cesar got in his face.

"You are being stupid."

"I'm just trying to help." Jamal argued

"You can't. If this was just some dumbass conspiracy, than maybe, just maybe you could help. BUT THIS IS REAL LIFE!" Cesar growled and Monse tried pushing him away
"Something awful is happening!"

"Are we sitting ducks?" Ruby whispered to Jamal and Cesar snapped his head towards him.

"What the hell did you just say?" Cesar got closer ruby and ruby shook his head.


"No. Say it. SAY IT!" He yelled making me And Jamal jump.

"Look we are all worried" ruby said back.

"Yeah. About yourselves!" I just watched Cesar talk to ruby.
"My brother wasn't thinking about himself when he stepped in to save all of us."

"That's not what we meant." Jamal stepped in.

"Well what did you mean Jamal? Huh?" I sniffled
"What did you mean?" I yelled and Monse held me back.

"God forbid you guys would have to grow up and handle things yourselves!" Cesar took his back back and we headed to the door

"Dude that's not fair." Ruby stopped us

"Nah you wanna know what's not fair?" Cesar turned around.
"Is that you all complain about my brother and the gang, but as soon as you need him you come begging. Well I'm not sitting on my ass while Oscars out there saving all of yours" and with that me and Cesar walked out.

"Santos?" I asked and he nodded

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