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I raise my hand.

"No more questions!" Ruby yelled making me jump.
"You got all assignments"

"Where's-" Jasmine got cut off

"Jamal? He's been having sex. " Jamal smirked and took his assignment.

The whole time Jamal spoke about his sex and blah blah I went home to look for a suspect. Fuck this shit man.

I was sitting on the couch when I heard Spanish yelling outside.

"The duck is going on?" I though I opened the door fast and was ready to take out my gun when I saw Sapo,Cuete and again some other 19th gang member.

"The hell you guys yelling for?" I went up to them.

"We're just talking Angelita. Don't worry" Oscar smiled at me and I nodded.

"You okay?" Sapo asked me and I nodded again.

They were about to go but Ray cake out. Oh fuck this shit.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!hey hey hey hey Heyy"He came over to us and stood at the right side of Oscar. I stood on his left.
I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw. I swear I was as tired as Oscar from his shit.
"You boys know Where you are?"

"Of course we do abuelito." Cuete said and I snorted. Okay he's still my father but...okay.
I saw Sapo smile and Oscar look at me.

"Ray,get back in the house" me and Oscar said in sync. Damn he really is my brother man.

"I got you mijo. I got you too mija" he told us. Man fuck you. I ain't you Mija.
I looked annoyed asf but Sapo shook his head.

"Oh,shit! No mames. Is this your old man?" Cuete laughed.

"Watch your mouth." Ray looked him up and down.

"Or what viejito?" Cuete spat at him

"You gonna beat us with your cane?" The other boy added.
I started to go at him and Ray did the same but Oscar put his right hand aggressively to stop Ray and carefully to me.

"Don't Angelita. Ray I said get back in the house!" Oscar raises his voice.

"Go flip burgers puto. We'll chop it up when daddy lets you out." Sapo looked at Oscar and I looked at him.

"Qué?"I frowned in disappointment.
Oscar walked up to them and they walked away.

"Those bitches are lucky" ray pointed and them and I sighed.
Shits about to go down.

"Lucky I don't kick your ass" Oscar got in Rays face
"You pull that shit again, I'll throw your ass to the curb. "

"I used to run these streets once." He looked Oscar in the eyes.

"Ancient History" I blurted and covered my mouth. I saw Oscars face go a bit proud but he was still mad

"These young ones comin' up will shoot you for no reason. Ain't not
Code In that."

"Mmm. I can see that"

"What the hell is that supposed to Mean?" Oscar god closer.

"Kissing your brothers girl" he said.

"Is that a threat?" Oscar asked."don't think you got anything on me."

"She kissed him and he pulled away you saw that!" I raised my voice. The hell is his problem.

"Come on Angelita.heyy don't cry"
He hugged me and walked me inside.

"I just don't get it he comes into our life like *snaps fingers* hey I'm your dad. Nah you are my brother and dad. I'm sorry I ruined your future Oscar" I sobbed and he shook his head.

"No Angelita. You didn't do anything. I'm sorry for everything. You were young and just wanted to be protected. That I left my school and all this it's not you fault. What about Sapo? You thinking of him too" he looked at me and I nodded.

"He didn't mean In bebe. He just said that because of Ray." His face softened even more.

"B-but he disrespected you!" I yelled on accident. "Lo Siento. Didn't mean to yell" I sniffled

"You have every right to yell. And he didn't disrespect me. Princesa they just want Jefferson. And you know they have to say shit to get it. Look he is blowing you phone up text him back" he Chuckled and walked out of my room.

I picked the phone and clicked accept.

"Qué?" I looked at him oh..it's them
"What do you want?"

"Mama...whats wrong?" Their face softened.

"You went too far. Sapo okay i understand disrespect Ray I let it go I hate him too but don't Oscar."
I wiped my tears off.

"Lo siento.. please don't be mad. I- I.. we didn't mean anything bad. I swear it's just... can I tell her please?" He asked Cuete who nodded not sure.

"Okay? Tell me what?"

"Cuchillos told us to ask for Jefferson. " he blurted
I though for a moment than it came.

"Holy shit! No no no!" I panicked

"What? What's wrong?" They asked

"She's gonna kill me. The crew and me." Tears came back.

"Qué?" They asked

"You know Lil' Ricky right?"they nodded. "She told me and the crew that he is alive and a lot of bullshit and we have to find him. If we don't we will die. And we won't find him because he is 100% dead! And I was looking for him every night but nothing" their jaws dropped

"Guys. If I die til next month... I'm thankful you were my friends more for Cuete and Ezekiel."

"Shut the fuck up you ain't dying. But us too. Best friends for live!" Cuete winked with his mouth open and I laughed.

I gotta go Ray is fighting with Spooky. Adiós luv ya!" I hung up and fell asleep in less than 10 minutes dreaming of Sapo and I.
Hell no-

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