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"You know those girls probably all have doo-doo outfits. You probably all have to share the same doo-doo outfits." Jasmine sighed.

"No, we don't have uniforms." Monse laughed slightly

"Oh no so you are on your own? Care packages forthcoming okay? I'm gonna send you clothes. I'm gonna bling out your thing." Jasmine teared up.

"Oh don't cry, Sara not you tooo.." Monse whined

"Girl why did you have to call it out? God damn it its coming" jasmine cried
"Send pictures"

"On the group chat please." Monse looked cunfused at the bag that Jamal was holding.

"It's an east coast hoity-toity gurl school go bag." Jamal handed it to her and she awwed

"We packed it together" me and ruby said.

"It has an eye mask" ruby smiled

"Boat shoes" Jamal added.

"Earring of RBG's dissent collar." Ruby again.

"An ascot" Jamal again.

"Opera glasses"

"Muzzle" she gave Jamal a confused look. "For your roommate"

"She might be annoying" ruby said.

"This didn't fit in the bag, but it was made with a lot of love" Jamal handed her a picture where me and the crew sat on the steps and around it were stickers of jasmines face. It made me chuckle."and glue"

"I love this!" Monse smiled wide. "Thank you. I'm gonna keep it by my bed in prime viewing position, where I can always see it."

"Oh and uh one last thing that also didn't make the bag" ceaar kissed her. Awww aren't they cute?
They hugged.

"Okay okay okay we want in that action too" ruby chuckled and we all Laughed.

We all had a group hug and laughed.

"I love you guys."

"I love you too" we all said.
She got In the car but before they drove off I stopped her.

"Monse wait!" I sighed.

"Yes?" She got out again.

"I- bought this for you.. I know you liked it the day we had a sleep over so I bought them for you" I gave a small bag. Inside was a dress she really liked.

"Oh my god thank you! You didn't have to" she hugged me.

"Im gonna miss you." I sobbed and hugged her back.

"Im gonna miss you too" she wiped my tears off and her dad cleared his throat. Damn man.

They drove off.

"Hey be good to each other. If you fight think Of Me, in your face, gluing the crew back together." We all nodded and smiled.
"Promise me nothing's gonna change?"

"Nothing's gonna change" we all said together.

"Okay. Byee.." we all waved at her

"Love you!" She yelled

We all stood there looking at her.


1 more chapter to goo :(


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