21- END • 2 years later •

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• 2 years later •

We were having a baby shower right now. Well for Oscars baby not mine!

I smiled at Oscar and his wife who was now 5 months pregnant. I looked down at my beautiful ring and kissed my fiancé Ezekiel.

I am now 19 years old and living my best life.

I'm still in school! But my twin isn't the same. He is the leader of the santos now.
And the crew isn't on talking terms anymore.

I heard Jamal joined the team again and ruby and jasmine are doing just fine.

But I had hope. And i knew that I just had to wait no matter how long and everything is going to be just like it was.

"I love you" I kissed Ezekiel.

"I love you too" he smiled.

The past two years I've been doing great.. well except Once I Uh...had a miscarriage... but I was lucky I can have kids in the future!

Ray came back once just to meet Ezekiel and act like a dad but I didn't mind.

I just worry about my brother Cesar a lot.
He never wanted this but I realised once Oscar went missing he was going to change. I knew it. He is my twin and a part of me. So I knew it.

"That's gonna be me and you one day." Ezekiel pointed at Oscar and his Wife Layla.

"Mhmmm" I blushed and sighed.

"Hey lil sis! When's the wedding again?" My brother Oscar asked me. He had a beard now and HAIR. It was really curly. His wife's hair too. Layla had a long curly hair.

"next summer. After Layla gives birth like... a month later." I smiled and hugged her. Oh and yeah she had twins!!

"Congrats! I'm gonna be a Tia to a beautiful niece and nephew!" I caressed her stomach and felt a hit.

"Hahaaa! It felt me. " I smiled,cheering and she nodded

"And I'm going to be a Tío" Ezekiel kissed my cheek.

Oscar winked at me and walked away with Layla.



I'm crying that I ended this book.

It's my first Completed book and I don't know how to feel about it. 🥺


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