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-Oscars POV-

I was looking everywhere for her but she was no where to be found. I argued with Cesar after Ray left but he finally understood after he called him and u told him that our sister ran away.

"Hey! Dude Sara just ran off! What the hell happened" the most 19th street gangsters ran to me and Cesar.

"Our dad left and she yelled after him. But he didn't come back and she ran off.
I've been looking for days but she's nowhere to be found. I calle the police too." I told them as I waited for Cesar and his crew
To come and tell me if they found something.

"She is missing for 2 days already! We looked for Her too not Even the prophets have her!" Sapo Teared up. He's the first boy I would allow her to date and the only one.

"Sapo.. we are going to find her I promise. We just have to think where she is." He nodded and they walked away.

-a week later-

"She isn't in Brentwood either!" Jamal cried.

"Ugh!" I hit the wall. I am supposed to look after her and she Is missing now!

"Hey calm down" Cesar calmed me down.

"She's missing! I can't calm down!" I yelled and walked outside.

"Anything new?" Cuete asked and I shook my head.

"No. She is not in Brentwood either." I hissed and saw Sapo let his Anger out on a tree.

"Stop!" The crew yelled and he looked at them with red pffufy eyes.

"What is something has happened to her! I can't even tell her how I feel about her! And she might die out there!" He yelled.

"hey! There she is! With officer hammel!" Cesar yelled and we all
Snapped our heads to the ide he pointed. There she was looking so
Bad. She had bugs under her eyes and they were red. She looked skinnier than she was. She had cuts and was crying.

"Angelita!" I ran to her and hugged her. She just stood there slowly hugging me but it was not tight. She had no power.

I pulled back and Sapo ran to her.
I saw him hug her and peck her dirty, dry lips and it was with love and passion. You could See it.

"I though something happens to you!" He hugged her.

After every one gave her a hug we all sat her on the couch and Santos came to hug her too. They were looking after her too.

"Where was she?" Sapo asked the officer.

"Kodaline street that's far away from here. Uh... I'm gonna have to go now." He walked away. Bitch give us info wtf.

"Sorry" a chola apologised after Sara winced in pain.

"She cut her self." Sapo looked away.

"Hey.. you are good boy. After this all is good and done. Ask her out. She likes you too. You are the one and the last I will let her date and hopefully Marry" I looked at him.

"Thank you spoky-"

"Call me Oscar" I smiled.

"Oscar...thank you. Anddd we are too young now but I hope I'll marry her one day too" he smiled and we looked at her.

Sapo stood up and sat next to her holding her hand.

"Don't scare me ever again like that mamas" he whispered and kissed her head

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