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We were now in the woods.
We found a path and walked. Monse was behind Cesar and I was next to him. There were some rocks and a river we had to pass.

All the time I just though if Oscar. Tbh I just wanted him alive and myself dead.
We were walking for a long time.
I heard once Jamal and Ruby yell about a marmalade but I kept walking. Fucking spiders were everywhere

Later that day Jamal started growling out of nowhere normally I would have died of laughing but now I didn't.

"Shut up." Ruby whisper-yelled.

Jamal kept growling and salarying some Spray.
Suddenly a stick was thrown at him.

"You are driving me crazy." Cesar told him

"Not just you" Monse said bothered.

Jamal Started explaining shit after that.

"But lose the growl" Cesar sighed and walked away with Monse. I did too.

Soon Jamal and ruby were arguing about who Saved who.

"Hey hey! I never asked for help. Than or now! I can't belive how selfish you all are being when my brother who was trying to protect all of us, is now Probably dead because of us!" Cesar snapped at them.

"Don't say that!" I teared up.

"You know what?" Cesar continued. "Just go home. I'd raise he do this with Sara."

"You are acting like You're the only person who ever lost anything or anyone. You are not
The one who almost died!" I cut ruby off

"But I am so don't talk bullshit! My mom could have lost time that day. She had troubles taking me out of her!" I said truthfully

"-Or who saw the love of their life choke on their won blood" he continued. " or who took months to feel semi-normal because being normal is not something I'll
Ever be! This isn't all about you two! Some of us are collateral damage in your shit." I saw Cesar push ruby.

"I don't Need this disrespect." Monse took his arm

"Whoa" Jamal said in a normal tone. "You don't even get it. Just being your friend is a liability." Ouch. That hurt

"Than don't be." I shrugged and walked away with Cesar. Monse tried calling after us but ruby said some shit so Cesar left with me.

"We don't want to be anybody's liability" I turned to look at ruby and Jamal one last time.

We walked together in the woods when Monse came from behind.

"Hey! Hey!" Monse threw a rock on cesars backpack because we didn't turn around.

"What the hell?"

"No you 'what the hell'! Look I know you guys are totally panicked about spooky but we're all Scared. Cause even after we find what we are looking for, we still have to confront the fact that Cuchillos is coming after us. "

"Monse i never got to tell him I was sorry. I never got to thank him for everything he has done for me! For Her!" Cesar Said

"He was there for me all the time! He was the only family we had. A mom and a dad! A real parent! Yes ruby and all of you are scared and-and sad but YOU ALL HAD A NORMAL FAMILY AND WE DIDN'T. Monse my mom wrote me last week. She isn't dead and she wrote me how She hated me! I wanted to tell Oscar but I didn't! And now I might not even see him again. Hug him the last time. Tell him I love him. see him in a suit and his kids calling me Tía! He won't get to see us graduating and getting married! If we don't die of course! And i didn't get to tell
Ezekiel or what you guys would
Say 'Sapo the 19th street gangbanger' that I loved him since 5th grade!" I cried and Monse got closer to Cesar and I but we heard rustling.

"Did you guys hear that?" Cesar asked and I wiped my tears off nodding my head.
Jamal and ruby came again.

"Yeah it's cool it's just them" moms walked next to Cesar. I'm Sure it wasn't. We are going to die.

But than there was more rustling.

"What is its 19th street?" Monse asked

"Wha- what? Why would it be them?" I frowned

"Hermana... they were the ones they were making a deal with." Cesar looked at me and sighed. No...

"What if it's P-22?" Jamal Asked. Wtf?


"The mountain lion." Jamal. He is still Jamal.
"This is why we growl."

"You said they come after everyone you love. What if they are following us?" Monse looked at us.
No Sapo wouldn't do that... nor Cuete.

"What if it's a real?" Ruby came closer.

"No...Sapo wouldn't do that" I shook my head and they raised their eyebrows.

"Why would you think that?"

"Th-the night we had sex he said he loved me and would protect me... and-and Cuete is my best friend since 10 Years they wouldn't." I laughed and shook my head

"YOU SLEPT WITH SAPO?" Jamal yelled in disbelief


"Hey stop!" Cesar yelled." If they wanted to kill us, they would have killed us already. Trust me. Sending me to Oscars grave is worse than killed me."
"They are torturing me and her." He pointed at me.
His phone buzzed........

- to be continued.....

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