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Cesars phone buzzed...

"Dad?" Oh this bitch.

He sounded really worried on the phone doe.

We kept walking for another hour until we found graves.

"we are here." Cesar said and we heard whistling

The whistling continued and I kinda panicked and took my gun in my hand just in case.

"Oh shit. This is our grave." Cesar turned to look at us and I sighed. "Hey. Hey, everybody split up and get back. Do you wanna die? Do what I say! Go!" He yelled and Jamal ruby and Monse hid behind a bush but I shook my head and stood next to him.

Cesar was panting and I cocked my gun.

"Come out here!" Cesar growled and walked near the grave. He took out his gun too.

"Come out here now!" I yelled very loud.

I pulled the trigger and shot in the air making Cesar jump a little.

"If this is what you want, we are right here. COME GET ME!" I yelled and shot again.

"hijos de puta!" I yelled.

"si quieres matarnos estamos aquí!" Cesar shot in the air too. He slipped at the grave and gasped

I walked up to him and my eyes widened. Soon the crew came out.

Cuchillos was laying there lifeless.

I laughed a bit and shot in the air a few times. But wait oscar...

Footsteps were approaching and we turned around.

19th street was around us. I saw Sapo Come out and he was looking sad. I cocked my gun.

I walked up to them with Cesar and Cuete nodded his head. I saw Jose lit up a fire(idk how it's called)
And threw it in the grave. She was burning. I got a message.

My Sapo💖

My Sapo💖
He isn't dead mama. Btw I love you too. Have since 4th grade ❤️

I smiled softly and looked up at him.

They were about to line up
But I threw my phone away and ran to Sapo. I jumped in his arms and sobbed.

"Give them a moment" Cuete whispered at the others.

"I love you mi Amor" he whispered and I nodded.
I pulled away and kissed him.

"Okay! Enough" Cuete laughed and they lined up.

"I'll see you later" Ezekiel mouthed and winked at me. I just blushed and nodded.

"Where's Oscar?" Jamal asks but I ignored him.
Soon I started dancing and screaming.

"Yes! SHE IS DEAD BITCHEZZZZZ! WE ARE ALIVE" I laughed and we went to Monses but it got awkward and depressed. So Cesar decided to stay at monses but I went home. I stayed at Jamals actually for a long time to get everything straight and he was weird texting Kendra ew.

"I have to go home Bro."

I got out and went home.

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