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Me and Cesar were now walking home after school. We were at Jasmines earlier and we found out that Ruby's family had some problems..oh and Officer Hammal is a dirty cop he works for Cuchillos. I saw a man leaning on a tree smoking a cigarette.
He had tattoos

"You see him too?" Cesar asked me and I nodded.
"Come on we have to tell Oscar!"we ran inside.

"Pendejo don't look behind" we ran inside

"Hey!hey!hey!" Me and Cesar threw our backpacks on the floor.

"There's a dude posted up outside." Cesar told Oscar and he stood up grabbing his gun from the kitchen and cocked it.
He lightly pushed me out of his way

"Hey, get back inside" Oscar told us and pushed Cesar.

Oscar stopped walking and the man smiled

"O-Oscar?" I said worriedly

"Who is that?" Cesar asked

"Our father" I felt my heart break. He cane back after all these years?


I was sitting on the floor next to Oscar who was sitting on the couch. We watched Ray smoke his cigarette

"So when did you get out?" Cesar asked politely.
Oscar has his Spooky bitch face on and I had mixed emotions.

"Yesterday" Ray said. Why tf is he talking like he's on drugs?

"Uh...how was the trip down" Cesar tried to make a convo

"Long" ray said simply. Bitch talk with sentences.

"Looks the same. Even smells the same." He looked around than at Oscar and me. He sat down.
Oscar pushes the ashtray to him but he didn't use it. Idiot

"You guys in school?" Ray asked me and Cesar. I didn't say anything but when Cesar was about to answer Oscar cut him off

"Of course they are" he looked at him and I put my hand in his leg mouthing him to calm down

"How about you? You going to college?" He asked Oscar.
Are you kidding me?

"Seriously?" Me and Oscar said in a low tone at the same time.

"It's nice to see you" Cesar stuttered and I chuckled.
"Do soy have any plans?" And like that Cesar was just talking to him and I didn't know what to say. As I said I'm like Oscar hurt and stubborn. And Ray left us. He left us in this shitty life! Oscars future is ruined and I blame myself for that everyday well I don't know
About Cesar but Oscar have everything up for us.

"Cesar, Princesa you guys need to get to school" Oscar rapped my shoulder and smiled.
I stood up quickly but Cesar hestitated. Oscar gave him a look and he stood up.

"I'll see you later" he took his backpack

He walked outside but stopped when I opened the door.

"Hey, do you maybe,uh... I don't know, wanna hang? After school?" He look at ray who smiled



And we walked outside.

"Soft ass bitch" I hissed and walked away from Cesar.

"Hey! Hermana whats wrong" he ran to me

" 'wanna hang after school?' And all those conversations! Cesar put it in your head he left us! We are stuck in this life because of him! Oscar was our dad not him! Now let's get to school we're gonna be late" I sighed and turned around.

"Sally I-" I cut him off

"Don't even say a word. Not now please. I'm not in the mood Cesar" a tear slipped down my cheek and I rolled my eyes wiping it off.

He just stood quite and we went to school. At school Monse was wearing this outfits Jasmine does and was talking to Cesar but I didn't listen. At lunch i was led outside and sat alone at bench and I texted Oscar.

Big Hermano❤️👻

Hey... you good?😔

Big Hermano❤️👻
Yeah. You?

Idk.. I'm not in the mood for school. How's Everything with Ray?❤️🥺

Big Hermano❤️👻
He bores the shit outta me. Hey everything will be just fine okay? Go have fun I'm class mama❤️ :)

Kk. Love you❤️

Big Hermano❤️👻

I shut my phone and went to my next class.

-half way in class-

"I'll be back" the teacher walked outside to talk on the phone I guess.

"Mama? You good?" Someone shook my lightly and spoke with a soft voice. I put my head up and looked at Sapo. I shook my head no and he frowned.

"What's wrong? Is someone bothering you? Do I have to kill someone?" He asked serious and I chuckled a bit.

"Nah.. my uh- my dad is back." I blurted.

"Oh..I'm sorry hermosa but don't cry please. Come on everything will be just fine." He rubbed my back and I looked at him cunfused

"Sapo? Did a cow lick your hair?" I looked at him and he laughed.

"Shut up don't you like it?" He pouted

"Nah I love it but it looks like that sorry" I laughed lightly

"It's okay mamas. I-" the teacher came in and I sighed loud.

"Everything okay miss Diaz?" I nodded at her and fell asleep.

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