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My Sapo💖

My Sapo💖
Meet us where Jamals dad works. We gotta tty 💜

Okay when?💛

My Sapo💖
Be there in 10 Por Favor💚

Okay cya💙

"Hey! I'm going to Dwaynes!" I yelled from outside.

"Why you yelling? we all are outside" joker asked cunfused

"Oh...haha..I forgot nvm. Bye!" I stood up awkwardly and walked away.

I greeted Mr.Turner and told him to bring me an Apple juice.
I spotted Cuete, Sapo and the guy from yesterday sitting on a table.
I walked over to them.

"Hola" I hugged Sapo and Cuete.

"Angelita, your drink" Mr.Turner tapper my shoulder because I was standing.

"Damn that was fast Tío" I chuckled and took the bottle. No he isn't my Uncle I just call the parents from our crew Uncle and aunt.

"Shorty how you doing" Cuete messed my hair and I slapped his hand.

"I'm good you? You dwarf" I smiled and he chuckled.
We walked out of there.

"Bien" he smiled and I took a sip from my bottle than looked at the other guy.

"Hey..I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to threaten you or yell at you. It wasn't good that I even put my nose in the conversation" I smiled softly and he looked at Sapo and Cuete.

"I-It's okay. I'm sorry too I shouldn't have called you that.. I just wanted to piss you off because of your mom.. I'm Justin by the way." He told me and I nodded

"So wassup?" I smiled and Sapo took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry" he said and I gave him a confused face and suddenly I felt something cover my mouth. Everything went black.

A/n: oooh what just happened?

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