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I opened my eyes slowly to only hear someone yell "SHES AWAKE!" And people looked at me.

"What the fuck? Sapo?" I frowned at him.
"What's going on?" I asked Cuete.

"We need something from you" he smirked

"Well you didn't have to kidnap me you could have just told me" I hit the one holding my hands tight in the knee so he could let me go.
"Bitch don't press that much it hurts ya know" I rolled my eyes at him.
"What do you need?"

"We know you are Spookys sister and he taught you how to shoot-" I cut the girl off

"I haven't killed anyone with a gun only maybe from hitting or choking" I shrugged and looked at them.

"Let her talk!" Justin said and I nodded

"And we know you can FIGHT really good. " I cut her off again.

"You are not jumping me in either!" I yelled

"SATANA! WE ARE NOT DOING THAT JUST LISTEN MAN!" Cuete yelled and I shut myself up.

"Though your name was Sara?"
Justin looked confused

"It's Satana Sara but people just call me Satana when it's serious or they hate me" I shrugged. Or
Something else but nvm

"We need you to beat the shit out of that girl over there" they pointed at one of my classmates.
It's the one who talked shit. But why

"W-what do you mean the shit outta her?" I asked. I didn't really want to show that side of me.

"Oh...uh...maybe murder her? I mean we don't mind" my eyes went wide

"Okay but what did she do?" I bit my lip.

"She talked shit. And cuchillos said you have to do it." Cuete said.

"She didn't tell m-" I was cut off my someone's phone talking.

"Just bring out Satana. Be Satana for a second and do it! Or you know what happenes" Cuchillos yelled. This bitch-

"Why is she saying be Satana?" Justin asked again.

"Because it's SATAN and with an A at the end." I growled and rubbed my temples.

"Just do it!" She hung up and I looked at everyone. Why tf are all of them them here.

"Provoke me." I told Asia.

"What?" She asked

"PROVOKE ME! Say shit about me and my family! I don't know say something to make me angry and mad. Say something that might hurt me so I can hit you" I yelled. I knew she didn't mind dying.

"Okay.. uh. You are a puta." She said


"You're a piece of shit! You mom left you and your brothers for another family! Your dad ruined your life and Oscars too! Uh... OH SATANA SATANA." She called my name cause everyone knew I get angry when they do that.

"Come on Satana be a boss bitch. Hit me." I clenched my fists.
"Come on Neña!" That was it. I snapped my head towards her and threw the first punch receiving an "oooooh" from everyone. I mean I had tears in my eyes when I hit her but they went away quickly. Satana was now here not Sara.

"You little bitch!" I punched her in the face. I got on-top if her and sat on her stomach hitting her even harder. She was bleeding a lot.
I threw another big punch with a yell. I heard something breaks and she winced. Started crying but didn't move. Sara wanted to apologise but Satana didn't she wanted her dead.

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