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Today we had to go to school again. Fuck school man.
I got dresses and did my routine like always.

"Cesar come on!" I yelled from outside

"Don't yell man! I just woke up " joker closed his ears and I laughed.

"LIL SPOOKY! Get yo ass outside now!" I yelled and he ran

"Sorry sorry!" He breathed

"Come on Oscar is driving us to school" I smiled and his face fell

"Man Sara? You serious? I though we were walking why you doing this to me" he whined and I laughed.

"Get in the car baby siblings" Oscar smiled and I gave him a smile in return while Cesar only stared at him like 'call me that again I dare you'

"Drive pendejo" i laughed from the backseat along with a Santo

Oscar drove us to the school and once the car parked me and Cesar caught everyone's attention.
It was always like that just now it was kinda more and uncomfortable.

"Ignore the stares." Ruby whispered

"Where did you came from?" I jumped

"My moms ass-"

"Ruby! Ewww!" I laughed and hit his shoulder.

"Damn she do be finer than last year"
"You think they'll kill us?"
"They are only trouble man"

"Aye! I can hear you! Shut the fuck up before you get in a big trouble" I turned to look at the people talking. Making them jump.

"You are still alive these days because of my brother! So be respectful and not saying shit bout how we are trouble" I hissed. And they nodded fast.

"Please now please don't put out the 'Jamal scared nodding'." I shook my head.

"Hey!" Jamal put a hand on his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Stupid kids" I mumbled

"Holaaa. You good?" Someone came from the front.

"Hm? Ohh hi Sapo" I gave him a hug and smiled
"Yeah I'm good. Just a bit uncomfortable"

"That sucks. Now I'm gonna make you more uncomfortable" he smirked and I frowned.

"Wha-" I was picked up by two strong hands.
Damn it everyone's looking.

"Sapo put me down!" I blushed and he ran into the halls with me in his hands.

"What are you guys doing" Cuete and Jose looked at us

"I don't know ask yo homie" I giggled

"Ain't her giggle cute?" Sapo smile wide and my face went red. Red like a tomato.

"Are you guys 16 and 18?Orrr 6 and 8?" Cuete raised his eye brow and the crew joined. Sapo let me down and I smiled

"I don't know. Ask Oscar... shit Cesar what if Oscar lies about our age and we are older?" I gasped and they laughed.

"Let's go to class dicks and pussy" I turned around

"And Pussy?" They all said in one voice.

"Yeah Monse is the pussy and you guys are dicks." I smiled

"And you?" Ruby asked and I laughed.

"I'm an ass" I chuckled

"Dumbass" Sapo said and I giggled.

"Take a seat kids today we are doing a small project" ms.guzzella told ya and we all groaned.

"Bye guys see you at lunch" I waved at the crew and sat in my seat

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