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After our meeting today I was on my way home when a green car stopped me.

"Aye, little ma! Where you heading to?" He licked his lips checking me out.

"What do you want Latrelle?" I turned around.

"Tu" he smirked [you]

"Latrelle do you know what side you on? This is santo and 19th Territory you shouldn't be out here" I raised my voice hoping he would drive off

"I don't give a fuck what side I'm on bitch! I don't see no santo and 19th by the way" he looked around being sarcastic

"What the hell do you want-"

"Get in" he pointed his gun at me.
Fuck I knew I should have took my gun with.

"Nah" I shook my head and he cocked his gun pointing it to my head.

"Get in the fucking car!" He growled which made me jump.

"Okay..." I was about to get In but thank god someone stopped me.

"Don't move" a very familiar voices said.

Suddenly I was pushed to the ground by someone and gun shots started going off.

I closed my eyes and felt strong hands cover me. Someone's body was laying over my body.

I felt the body stand up and I slowly opened my eyes.

The boy

He helped me up and I thanked him.

"C-Cuete!" I hugged him.

"Hey Angelita you okay?" He scanned my body for any scratches.

"Yes I'm fine thanks to you guys." I sighed and smiled at the boy.

"Oh uh yeah. Angelita this is Sapo. Sapo you already know Sara" Cuete finally told me his name.

Sapo was 100% his street name but never mind

"Thank you- oh my god you are bleeding! Come on. my house is over there I'll clean you up. " I said and they nodded.

We walked down the street and no santos were here. Thank god.

"Follow me" I told them.

"Cuete, Jose there you have things to clean up. Take them" I pointed at my right.

"Sapo come with me" I took his hand carefully and sat him on my Chair.

I was cleaning him up and he winced

"Ah fuck!" He winced in pain.

"Sorry sorry sorry I'm trying my best" I bit my lip trying to be more carefull.

"Nah it's okay mama." He smiled softly and I nodded.

Soon I saw Oscar rush into the room where me and Sapo were

"What the fuck happend? Are you okay?"he asked excamming my body.

"I'm fine hermano just a few scratches" I smiled at him.

"Gracias" he looked at Sapo who nodded at him

"Finished!" I smiled and he stood up.

"Thanks. For real. For the chocolate and now this. I'm sorry for your arm" I frowned

"Hey! I'm fine. This shit is normal I'm in a gang." He chuckled and I nodded in agreement.

"True" i laughed and led him outside.

"Bye bitchez!" I waved at the three 19th gangbangers.

"You and Sapo huh" Cesar smirked

"He's cute" I said honestly.

Oscar looked at me dead in the eyes and I just laughed.

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