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I was at Dwaynes helping them with something and I sat behind a table to hear about Monses and Cesars date when she stormed off.
The fuck?

"Go go go!" Me and Ray yelled for Cesar and I laughed when I saw Cuete and Sapo come in. Oh and the boy from yesterday.

"What can i get you" ray said and I smiled getting behind them slowly.

"Spaghetti. Pepperoni Pizza." Cuete said

"Kung pao chicken" Sapo added.

"Or how about some Jell-O, viejito?" Cuete pushed the red plastic plates to my feet.

"Damn. Thats mean!" I pouted and Sapo turned to me And smiled. He hugged me tight and I giggled.

"I think you better get out! Angelita come here!" He looked at me and Sapo.

"Nah. He's my friend Ray" I shook my head and kissed Sapos cheek and he did the same.

"Or what bitch" Cuete spat. I saw Jamals dad come and wink me to get outta here too or go to them. I pouted and sighed.

"Tío don't please." I shook my head I knew what was coming after Dwayne speaks up.

I was messing around with Sapo all giggling and shit while Dwayne talked to them.

"Sapo" Cuete nodded at him to go. He kissed my cheek close to my lips and winked making me get 🦋. SHIT I GOT 🦋.

"Bye Amor" he waved making sure everyone heard and I blushed.
I saw him push something from the counter down too. Bad boyyy

"You dating him?" Dwayne raised his eye brow.

"No. We are just friends"
I sighed and got back to work. I cleaned the mess they made and prayed to god for them no to beat the shit outta him too hard.

-later that day-
Oscar went to Jamals dads work because 19th street started shit. Just like I knew. I was staying at home alone and Monse and Cesar were out for a date.
And he just texted me that Monse mom died so he was gonna stay at hers. And me being me got kinda drunk.

My Sapo💖

Come over I'm bored. No one is home Oscar is at Dwaynes cause you all started shit.🙄
And Cesar is with his toxic 'girlfriend'

My Sapo💖
Oooh do you home alone?😏
I'm running!
Jkjk I'll be there in 5❤️


I changed quickly and heard a knock on the door. Sapo stood there. Damn. I didn't know what
this was but next things I know once I opened the door he kissed me. I was shocked

He pulled away frowning at me. I looked in his eyes and pulled him by his shirt back into another hungry kiss.
He closed and grabbed me by my waist pulling me closer.
A fact I'm a virgin.

I bit his lip and he gasped. I took it as a chance to slip my tongue in his mouth.
Our tongues were exploring each others mouth.

He tapped my tight and I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist.

Is this the right thing to do?

"Mmh" I moaned when he started kissing my neck. I kissed him again and he walked to my room.
I quickly without looking tried to reach and lock my door. He pulled away and locked it. I smiled and bit my lip than kissed him again.

It was rough but passionately.
He walked us to my bed well...Cesars Bed cause we are sharing a room now.
He threw me on it agressively making me gasp.
He smirked and got in top of me leaving kisses down my neck making me giggle because it tickled. He took off my shirt and I took his. He tugged on my shorts so I stood up a bit so he could take them off.
I was left in my bra and underwear now. He scanned my body slowly and I felt so fucking insecure.
I put my arms to cover it but he shook his head.

"nunca cubrir tu cuerpo de mí otra vez." He whispered and put my hands away. I blushed and nodded. He kissed me again and started leaving hickeys down my neck to my stomach and left kisses down to my tight. He bit my underwear with his teeth looking up at me and I nodded. Thank god I shaved. He pulled them off with his teeth making me giggle. He smiled and kissed me again. I unbuckled his belt and he helped me take off his pants.
He unzipped my bra leaving us both naked and looked me in the eyes. I kissed him and he pulled away. He walked quickly to his pants and took out a condom.
He walked Over to me and kissed me. I left a couple of hickeys on his neck and he was about to enter me but stopped.

"You a virgin?" He asked softly and I nodded biting my lip.
"Okay than I'm gonna be careful mama" he smiled and I blushed.

He entered me slowly making me gasp. He bit his lip and we looked at each other's eyes.

Hold up- how tf does my face look while I'm moaning. Oh god hopefully not ugly.

"You good?"he asked and I nodded with a moan escaping my mouth.

"I love you mamas" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my body.

"E-Ezikiel- ah...y-you can go faster!" I moaned and he nodded.

Ya know I ain't writing more smut now. But after we were done I layed my head on his chest. I heard Oscar come in but I texted him not to check up on me cause I'm sleeping and I locked my door.


"What just happened"

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