Secret Leaked

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You woke up to the footsteps of the Happy Home Academy's Crew walking downstairs. You figured it was 2am. They'd quietly come to visit and judge your home and then you'd score points. It was never really a bother until you realized you were being spooned? 

You look down and see two paws of the size of your hand hugging your waist....

OH NO...

Y/n's POV



Wait that also must mean... Nope...I'm not looking down- I'm not looking....

I turned to check if the clothes grew with him... PLEASE HAVE THE CLOTHES GROW! 

NOPE HE HAS NO CLOTHES ON-! I turned back quickly, my face hot red. 

Why did this happen now???? There was a complete size difference in how I could cradle him in my arms to how now he seems to be spooning me!!! 

I didn't dare move or wake him up! How awkward was that going to be!? There was just so much of a difference now... I mean yes he is the same person on the inside,its just.... I guess I wasn't that intimidated or serious when he was that tiny. But now... Well.... I don't know.... 

I layed there stiffly praying the HHA wouldn't come up stairs....

I suddenly heard foot steps on the stairs. OH NO....

I tried to keep my eyes shut as I pretended I was was asleep... I hear the door creak open as I hear footsteps come in. It was all fine until I heard a little whispering... And then-

I heard an extremely loud gasp that seemed as if it was from Lottie. I didn't doubt it woke Nook. I continued to hear very loud whispering- "Wha- Oh Good morning Lyle, Digby, Lottie..." Nook said quite sleepish. I stayed down. I don't think I could bare the embarrassment! 

"M-MR. NOOK W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Digby sounded frazzled! "Mr. Nook I never thought you and the mayor were having relations! We are very sorry to interrupt!" Lottie said so quickly  it all sounded like a very long word! "We are so very sorry!!! We must be leaving now!" Lyle's voice cracked so much times in that sentence I couldn't tell which one was a voice crack and which one was his real voice!   

I kept pretend sleeping despite I felt my face get hot. Relations??? I would have either broke out laughing or worriedly explained. Nook seemed less scary to me because he was tiny, and I know that maybe that made him less intimidating. But I can't imagine now that he is in his normal size being insecure or embarrassed. He is a mature salesman he will know what to do- 


Or maybe not.... 

"Mr. Nook it's fine, You don't have to hide it. We have invaded your privacy and we will never speak of this again" Lottie spoke nervously. "N-no! I-I mean- This is not what it looks like! LYLE! You know that I shrunk and that Ms. Y/n was looking after me for a while!" Nook explained sounding very distressed. "I-I do sir.." Lyle agreed. "Well it seems I've grown back to normal! this is just... Bad timing!!!" 

3rd Person POV

"YOU ARE NAKED" Digby exclaimed.  


"Its true, Uncle lyle told me about the whole shrinking wish thing!" Lottie explained. 

"You see! I-Its not what it seems!" 

"OOOH! Ho ho ho! What a unfortunate circumstance!" Lyle laughed. 

"T-this is not humorous Lyle! I-I can't let her see me like this!" Nook stammered.  

"Common ol' Nook! This is a dream! Sleeping with your love interest is something not everyone accomplishes!" Lyle Snickered. 

"I-Its not a dream its embarrassing! Oh I beg of you to help me!" Nook begged worriedly.

"Oh so its true? You do have a huge crush on the mayor?" Lottie asks. 

"You just have to go and tell the whole town dont you Lyle...."

"Oh it wasn't My uncle Lyle who told me it was the Nooklings!" Lottie explained. 

"W-WHA- T-THE BOYS!?" Nook flushed red. 

"Yes! They told me all about your crush on the mayor. I think its really cute how you've fallen in love with Ms.Y/n through the years! I think you two would make a cute couple and great parents!!!" Lottie smiled. 

"Wait wait wait- Nook... You're in love with the mayor? Ha! That explains why you always got so nervous when she came by the shop!" Digby laughed. 

You furrowed your eyebrows... "Nook....LIKED ME!????" You shouted in your head. You couldn't believe what you were hearing! You felt a mix of emotions in an instance. You felt your stomach get queasy and cheeks flush a little. Good thing you were facing the wall, they thought you were asleep...

"K-keep it down I'm begging! I cant let her know!" Nook cried. 

"Why's that Mr. Nook? You haven't confessed your feelings to her?" Lottie responded. 

"N-no, why would I? I don't have a chance with her! I'm just a fat ugly raccoon...It would be impossible for her to like someone like me..." Nook looked down sadly. 

"Is that what has been keeping you from tellin' her Nook? Listen to me Tom, you should have more confidence in yourself! You are one of the most successful people I know!" Lyle sits next to Nook and pats him on the back. "Yes! and I know Ms.Y/n, if anything she is a kind and caring person. She won't turn you down just because you say you're "Ugly"." Lottie commented. "I never thought I'd be giving my boss advice but.... Go for it Mr. Nook! If I'm correct you've been in love with the mayor ever since she moved here! I think its a great chance for you to spend your life with someone like her,and if it doesn't go well, You'll always have us the HHA to fall back on" Digby smiled. 

Tom looked up,he blushed and smiled. "T-thank you all! I do have to say, I'm happy that I have such caring employees, and thoughtful friends." 

They all smiled as you were still trying to process what Nook had said. At the same time it was very shocking! You smiled as well hiding your face in the covers, you thought it was very cute and loving of Nook to think of you in such a way.   

"Now what will we do about the fact he doesn't have clothes...?" Digby looked around. 

"We must have a spare HHA uniform here somewhere..." Lyle searched through his bag. 

"Aha here it is!" Lyle handed him the uniform. "Thank you all, really I appreciate it..." Nook thanked them. "No problem Tom, that's what friends do! Lets all be quiet now, we don't want to disturb Ms. Y/n!" Lyle whispered. He gave Nook one last pat on the back before leaving and saying goodbye. 

You closed your eyes and tried very hard to go back to sleep. But something about the fact Nook liked you didn't let you rest....


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