Chapter 27: Long drive..

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"How many love at first sight have you had? " Gulf started questioning

"One only" Mew answered

"Liar, what about all the previous girls you were with" Gulf said in a straight voice, there is no way he was his first. Gulf has seen his friends getting girls with the "love at first sight sentence" and they would all fall for it

"I went with them because the elders kept bugging me to be with one girl or another, honestly, there are only two" Mew answered looking straight ahead

"Two?" Gulf inquired

"What about you?" Mew said changing the question

"None" Gulf answered

"You said you fell at love at first sight, then why did you get angry and shove my hand when I spoiled your mouse vanish suit" Gulf asked earning a laugh from Mew

His laugh felt nice to Gulf's ear, he wouldn't get bored of this laughter, Gulf though to himself

"I was not alone, I had my board of executives with me, I had to act strict, had I being alone, believe me I wouldn't have left you there alone" Mew explained, he was well reputed for being strict in the company, that facade couldn't be undone in front of his executives, he never meant to be angry at Gulf, he just couldn't, at least not in this life time.

"Were you the one who sent me those red roses" Gulf asked

"Isn't it my turn now?" Mew said

"Fine, go ahead. What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Play football" Gulf answered "Now, did you send those roses?"

"I did " Mew said almost blushing

The drive was long and the two got to know each other better. Gulf was getting comfortable each passing minute, being with Mew was not difficult, Gulf thought, the unsettling feeling in his heart was finally at ease, so this was the reason.

Being so comfortable in Mew's Porsche, Gulf dozed off.

"So, where do you like to travel" Mew asked

"mhhmmmm" Gulf hummed sleeping

Mew turned to the passenger seat and smiled at a sleeping Gulf

Gulf was such a sweetheart. His small eyes,  perfect nose and plump lips were very inviting. Mew almost lost focus whilst driving. Driving with Gulf could cost him his life, Mew laughed at his thought

(Readers please keep your eyes on the road whilst you drive, don't be like Mew, unless you have a Gulf beside you)

Mew slowly extended his hand and held Gulfs' left hand in his right and kissed at the back of it, all whilst Gulf was sleeping.

Little did Mew know that Gulf had woken up when he held his hand and knew what had happened.

Couple hours later Mew drove Gulf to his house and left. The night went well, unfortunate for Gulf who couldn't sleep due to what Mew had done to him.

Next morning came and Gulf scared Brights' soul out of his body

"What the hell happened?" Bright exclaimed "You look like an escaped panda from the zoo"

"I am alright " Gulf couldn't bring himself to tell Bright what had happened

"It's Mew right" was all Bright asked and Gulf turned tomato "Fine, I'll not ask anymore, when you feel like it, tell me"

The boys headed to their respected departments

"and then the R&D's estimate is slightly over budget, can you approve this?" Gulf said putting the paperwork on Mew's table

"Gulf" Mew said

"Yes, and also the marketing department.." Gulf continued not looking at Mew

"Gulf look at me" Mew said sternly

"Yes, Sir" Gulf said as he lifted his head

"Are you all right! Why do you look like a panda?" Mew was shocked, he almost laughed

"All because of you..." Gulf mumbled under his breath "I am fine, shall we continue work?"

"You need rest, take an hour break and then we can continue" Mew said

"I am fine, also the ....." As Gulf continued, Mew got up from his seat and headed towards Gulf, took him by his hand and lead him to the sofa and laid him on it

"Sleep here, now" Mew ordered

"But sir, the work" Gulf tried his best

"Do you want to sleep alone or should I help you sleep" Mew said seriously

"Alone, I'll sleep alone" Gulf said immediately, he knew Mew was being serious, he couldn't risk it

Mew borrowed a blanket and placed over a sleepy Gulf in his office. All in all Mew was distracted continuous and couldn't work at his usual speed. Why? Because he couldn't keep his eyes off Gulf at all.

"Mew" Win said loudly as he entered Mew's office

"Shhhhhhhhhh" Mew said hushing Win. All of the sudden Win stopped, what is wrong with Mew, did he have another girl in the office

Mew directed with his chin towards where Gulf was sleeping

"ohhhhhh!!!" Win said silently and smiled like crazy. I see what is going here.

At the loud noise, Gulf stirred in his sleep. Mew glared at him, cautioning him that if Gulf woke up he would skin him alive

Win tiptoed around the office and reached where Gulf was sleeping. He almost poked Gulf's cheek when his hand was stopped by Mew

Mew dragged Win to the other side and asked

"What do you want?" Mew was visibly angry

"Just wanted to invite you to the Golf course, but I guess you have another Gulf course in your office" Win snickered making Mew smiled like crazy "Enjoy your time bro" Win said and left the room

His bro had fallen hard and he was giving him his full support


A/N: A penny of your thoughts lovelies

I have never experienced love but was wondering if what I write reciprocate even 1% of it 

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