Chapter 46: Confidence!!!!

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Morning came and Bright couldn't move. Gulf's words "when it's your time you will know" resonated in his mind as he blushed like crazy...

"I am not going to work" Bright said, damn his perfect record, it can go to hell for all he cared... he was hurting down there

"Do you want water?" Win said as he gave him water to drink

"Drink this you will feel better" Win passed him some analgesics

"Thanks" Bright's voice cracked and Win laughed and then he stopped when he noticed Bright glaring at him

"Sorry, but you also had fun last night" Win winked as he dodged the flying pillow coming for his face

"I'll make us some breakfast" Win said leaving the room, Bright sat there trying not to recall the last night bit he couldn't help it....... (readers imagination encouraged)

They ate breakfast in bed because Bright was in no condition to move around

"I'll head to the office and I'll be back early" Win said kissing Bright on the cheek "Call me if you need my help"

"As if I will need you help" Bright taunted

Win headed to the closet to pick his clothes while Bright tried getting out of bed and failed miserably

"Win....." Bright croaked

Win ran out of the closet to find Bright on the floor "What are you doing down there?" He helped Bright up

"i wanted to go to the bathroom" Bright said as he pointed

"I'll help you" Win helped Bright to the bathroom

"Now go to office" Bright pushed Win out


"If I need help I'll call you, don't worry" Bright closed the door on Win face as he showered wincing in pain




Back at the office, the CEO and the Pres decided to have business lunch

"Where is Bright?" Gulf asked

"He is not feeling well" Win replied

"But he didn't tell me anything, how do you know" Gulf was getting suspicious

"Why should he tell you everything" Win wiggled his eyebrows and Mew understood

"Cause he is my best friend, I am calling him"

"Don't" Win stopped him "he is sleeping, he was tired last night"

And then it hit Gulf.....damn it, Gulf was silent the whole time as Win and Mew discussed and then Win excused himself early to take care of his lover



Days went by as both Mew and Win didn't hold their horses when it came to being cheesy and flirty, this was fueling Pan to the limit..

"Tar, help me" she whined one day

"Don't worry, I will.."

They put their plan to action.......



"Gulf help Pan out with the Lok and MSJC contract" Tar said to Gulf

"But I am already handling 4 business contracts" Gulf was overloaded and exhausted with the recent work

"Do you want the newbiee to handle this" Tar taunted Gulf, hinting that he would place the blame on him if he didn't help

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